It sounds like roadrashman, gww303,bubbie,Iceman24, and I all have the same problem with our 09 10's.
I have had NO problems with my 09 FLHR..
Since New, I put in Redline Shockproof Heavy.
I have read your visitor PM to me and can't figure what is causing Your vibration...
You think maybe it to be a bearing in the tranny.. I would ask you What Was the
Numbers of Your crank run-out when HD checked that for you?
I can't seem to help your problem as YOU and HD seemed to cover all the suggestions and possibilities. Boy, You sure replaced and checked a lot of things....
You asked about taking off the right side tranny cover... You should be able to do so but GET the HD Manual for your bike... AS many say It Is Worth Buying!
I would also ask you,,,,, What tranny gear oil was used in your bike from the start? And what are you using NOW?
I would USE redline heavy shockproof and see IF?????
Did you find ANY metal on the tranny magnetic plug?
If so How much and chunks or whiskers??
I doubt if a bearing would get that bad With-out metal on the magnetic plug (bright silver slivers)... If you have used Syn3 or comparable MOTOR OIL,,,,, I can see it Could of Caused Noise and vibration along with a Bad bearing..
Sure not many miles on your bike to have this problem..
That is it for now until YOU reply..
Sounds like the same issue I have on my 09 Ultra.At around 60 mph in 5th gear when you roll on the throttle I can feel a different feeling come into the floorboards.Bought the bike in May and it was in the shop for 2 1/2 weeks of the first month for this issue.They never could find the problem so I've been riding it and it is getting worse.If you find the problem sure would like to know what it is.
Kind of the same questions to answer here...
What Tranny lube used????
How many miles on the 09/ did you buy it New?
ONLY in 5th gear?