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Fuel Savings

Thanks Dr. Evil.
Sorry Whacko.

Brain disconnected. Your info was sitting right in front of me, but from reading the posts, I somehow inferred that you were trying to justify a future purchase. Oh well....I'll try to pay attention next time...:D

There was a member around for a while that had a bike, then didn't have one, then had one again, and when I asked him about it, he didn't have one yet. So you can't be completely sure until they come forward.

A couple of years back I ran a financial analysis on this subject in response to the same thread on another board where people were using the excuse of gas prices to buy a bike to "save money."

As I recall after you figure in insurance, tire replacement (used 12k as norm), fluid service, annual payments or cost of bike over 5 years, annual mileage using 10-15-20-25k, the actual cost per mile on a bike was significantly higher per mile than most cars.

About the only way it actually makes a positive impact is if the bike is the only vehicle you operate because if you still have a car you are still paying insurance and registration/plate fees and the bike needs to be fairly cheap.
C'mon, guys, there're only 3 people you have to justify a bike to:
1. Yourself
2. Your wife
3. Her mother.

Now, no matter what you say, her mother thinks you're an idiot and too far beneath her daughter to even bother arguing with, so forget what she has to say.

Your wife can be won over with patience, love, and unlimited use of the credit card.

That leaves you. And you sure don't have to justify a bike to already bought it!

So, that leaves NO PROBLEM. Doesn't matter how much it costs to run, maintain, or keep pretty. We do it because it's life blood. And you can't put a price on life blood.

Therefore, enjoy, don't try to rationalize, don't add it up, don't bemoan the days of inclement weather. Just ride it 'til it falls apart, then get another one.

I wrote my lift table off but haven't found a way to write the bike off. Will a shrink write a prescription for a Harley so I can claim it under medical?
I realize you did say "on a Harley" --- but IF you bought one of those little 150cc scooters (I see a lot here in La. ) for about 3500 and it got about 100 mpg.........then you would soon be saving a bunch of money!!!!:bigsmiley12:

Please -- NOT trying to put anyone on anything other than a HD.


That's what I'm talking about! LOL. See, if he's REALLY interested in fuel savings, this is what he'd be looking to buy. However, it's sounding more like a way to justify the purchase of something he wants anyway. :) Love it!
I like the savings since the price just keeps going up!! 30 miles a day here! Still dark going in and getting hot coming home. High 90's this week again! But the rides GREAT! Traffic's been pretty good lately too!