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Guess I've bought too much...she's trying to do me in!

even if you had the strength to ride after that stuff I don't think I'd chance it. Sounds like a fiber fest to me. If I were you I'd make the porcelin room your friend for a while :D
Yup, The only thing he is going to be ridin is the porcelain bowl!!:nosad
Make sure you have plenty of T.P. and Preperation H on hand as well!:34:
NO words from Sharky, I hope he's alright and not confined to the porcelain god. :bigsmiley25:

Sharky....Sharky....say something.....anything....
He’s gone. I’m kind of disappointed in all you guys, for not intervening and saving Sharky from his own demise. Flushed himself down the bowl. I wonder who gets his bike ! Pick me Mrs Skarky, Pick ME,,,
Sorry bros! I was downstairs getting juice #1 for the day. (Back to the green stuff.) Woke up with a splitting headache! 11 more "cocktails" to go. I'm wasting away...