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Guess I've bought too much...she's trying to do me in!

Sorry to say you won't have me to taunt anymore! :p
I just finished the last "cocktail." I have to admit, it was pretty easy, not bad tasting, and I feel good. God, what has the woman done to me??? :wall

One anecdote... I was at lunch (Legal Seafood) today with the CEO and CIO (both women) of a client. They had full meals. I had a cup of tea. It was kind of comical and a bit of role reversal.

So, DK (which, btw, was my nickname in college; but that's another story...)...where are you taking me for dinner????
Done with the cleanse! It has amazing results! It even makes the HD Talking skin look different!:bigsmiley14::lolrolling:bigsmiley24: