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must remember it`s the greedy share holders that dictate if a company survives.
I buy Local in most everything I can ,when it comes to my HD Local dealer if I do pay 50 cents or a dollar more on a 10 dollar parts so what.
if I payed a couple hundred more on my new bike so what the service is worth it,
I agree with what you say Smitty but I have 2 hypothetical questions.
1) If that 5% or 10% was Really 31% with almost all parts and 37% with a few common parts, would you change where and who you buy your parts from.?
2) If the couple of hundred bucks really amounted to $900 would you change dealerships to buy your bike.
What I am thinking is everyone has a magic number or percent when they will stray from their local dealership. For me it is 31% on parts and almost a thousand on a 15K bike. If I was loaded I would just pay the man and be done with it. But that's the problem, I am not loaded.
When I TRIED to purchase my bike from my local dealership, they treated me like I was dog food,, but they had the bike I wanted. They let me walk from a GREAT offer I made to them. I then went to the dealership in the next town (50 miles) and they said SURE and had the bike sent to them from dealership #1 and I purchased it from them.
Someone explain to me how the first dealership could not "do the deal", but the second dealership could trade bikes (added cost I am sure) and put the deal together.