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Help! Wife's not happy...

My wife had the same issues, I installed the kuryaken adjustable rider pegs so she can change the angle of her knees. No more complaints. May also want to check the air pressure in the shocks to.

I am having some issues with mine having too short of legs for the floorboards and the bag guard cuts her calf. Do the Kuryaken pegs take the place of the boards or do they mount to them?

Not trying to Hijack the thread. Just saying.
I am having some issues with mine having too short of legs for the floorboards and the bag guard cuts her calf. Do the Kuryaken pegs take the place of the boards or do they mount to them?

Not trying to Hijack the thread. Just saying.

These mount right along side of the floorboards.

Kryakyn - Harley - Adjustable Passenger Pegs

And the seat, the best thing for the comfort of the wife is to send the seat to mean city cycle. Just got back from a 120 mile trip with my wife and she got off the bike and said it was the best ride she had ever had. Before the passenger pegs and seat mod she would limp for quite a few minutes after such a ride
Opps, be careful out never know who might be looking over your shoulder...LOL!!!

Seriously, most of us riders "adapt" to our bikes and may go through the trouble to adjust our rides to suit our needs. But all too often it is easy to forget your pillion partner needs to be fitted also. As Breeze pointed out, it starts with the no/low cost things adjusting the floorboard height, backrest or tour box pad/angle to fit. There are some aftermarket items that work as well...

I have had good experience with the "Genuine Sheepskin Cover" by American Motorcycle Specialties. It has rubber coated metal hooks w/Velcro backed nylon webbing straps that grip under the seat and lip. The Memory Foam w/ 3/4" Gel pad works great, the sizes are 11"L x 7"W one for the pillion #18000 and there are other sizes. The website is Motorcycle Gel Seat Pads, Covers, Seat covers & Tie-Downs or call 1-800-710-7237...cost is about $75-$95.

Since I had passenger pegs, I opted for the new in the HD 2010 P & A catalog, adjustable passenger peg extensions, (in your case, the Küryakyn setup Tboehle posted earlier is a good choice as well).

This was expensive but it worked for me and my wife.I made her take the motorcycle safety course,and then bought her a bike.She is extremely happy,I am extremely happy and we both have a ball.
Some real good ideas gentlemen, thanks! Going to try repositioning the floorboards and new windshield as she already mentioned the buffeting. Yes, may have to change the baffles even though they are music to my ears. Changing the wife, well, perhaps not the best option as she really is a game girl, who would climb on the back pain or no pain. Worth a little work to keep her happy.....
Ditto on the Kuryakyn adjustable foot pegs, my wife loves them. Passenger can adjust pegs up, down, forward and back and can still use the passenger floor boards. Without some sort of adjustment it would be like the driver not being able to move his legs around. For me, leg movement is the key to being able to stay in the seat on long rides. My feet are on the boards, then the highway pegs, then heels on boards/toes on pegs and so on and so on. I can get on the bike and only stop to fuel up.
One other thing. If you have the tour pak in it's forward position, maybe you could move it to the rear position to give her more room. If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!