Check out the local chapters. You may find one you like. I was involved for many years in my dealer's local HOG chapter. Did the officer thing, the road captain thing, and taught group riding to new members.
I got tired of the political stuff, dealing with the "friendship pods", the attitudes (look at me! I just spent 20,000 on bike! I'm so cool!). I got tired of the "scare" factor when riding with many folks I really didn't know. I got tired of babysitting riders, old and new, that did not have a clue on how to ride, or ride in a group.

anic:newsmile017: It got to the point where I had a group of friends (my friendship pod) that would only ride with each other, basically because we knew each other riding skills. At that point, I stopped being a road captain except when I rode with this group. 6 months after that, I dropped my HOG membership. So did most of the folks I rode with.
Don't get me wrong. I had many good experiences, also. Some of them included teaching group riding, being an officer and a road captain.
Remember one thing. The HOG chapter is a marketing tool for the dealer. Some dealers support the group, some don't. We had a dealer that was not too bad. Well.. Until he wanted the HOG chapter to start paying "rent" to use the meeting/conference area at the dealership. Until he eliminated the across the board parts discount and went to a HOG bucks system. You got HOG bucks good for purchases based on how much you spent buying other items (T-shirt, oil, filters and some other maintenance item, and service were not eligible for HOG bucks).
Try it, you may have a good time.