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How Cold can I go

I am in East Central Missouri...40 miles out of St. Louis ...we ride year round here and I'm north of of our best get togethers is on Jan Coldest we've rode was 17 f...but we heated I love riding too much to give it up just coz it a bit cold but heated gear help. We will ride regardless the weather when its a PGR ride.
From what I hear in middle South Carolina, the good ole boys start riding in their underwear and socks about this time of year(after mid-night) to get ready for the winter riding, or was that Miami. Ok...ok just kidding. Myself, 35 is the magic number, 30 if no rain or moisture on the roadways. Hightop boots,insulated socks, good pair of chaps,shirt,sweater,good down jacket and a face mask,ski gloves. Then I only have to go 4 miles to work each way. If you want to ride that bad, push the limit, just get prepared.
I live in Alberta Canada; and my cut off is about 5 C (40F); though I have ridden in colder.
Last fall a group of us were coming down the Icefields parkway from Jasper to Banff, and at the summit I had to wipe the snow off the front of my windshield about every 5 minutes or so with my left glove. It was not accumulating on the ground thank God, or things could have gotten much worse.

I agree with what the others have said. Layers, chaps, thinsulate gloves, faceshield, vest, couple of shirts, heavy leather jacket with liner, heavy socks, lowers, etc.
The other life saver is a heated vest. I wear this just about anytime when it is under 50 F; and it makes all the difference in the world.

I normally stop at 40 degrees. Went out once when it was 45 and before i got home that night was riding in three inches of snow....hated that
Maine USA. Loose fitting Layers are the key to staying warm in the cold. Long johns, dungarees, chaps. knee pads (hold chaps off your knees and insulate) and wind pants below. Wicking Long Johns, wool shirt, fleece, leather jacket and wind breaker on top.
Balaclava, and scarf under snowmobile double shield helmet. (a must) Regular helmets fog up wicked. Snowmobile gloves, wool socks and boots complete the outfit. Some sissies use those heated grips and electric vests. We snowmobile in -20 degree weather so anything above freezing is warm.

Just watch out for black ice or white ice or frozen leaves or wet leaves. I went down in November a couple of years ago and the pavement doesn't get any softer in winter.
I thought I was going to ride into the colder months. I need to invest in some better cold weather gear before I do. I rode home the other night in the cold. I'm not sure what the temp was but the wind sure didn't help matters. Except for the snow or rain, I would consider riding as long as it's safe and not too hard on the bike to sit out in the cold at work.
I have a buddy that rides once a month no matter what the weather is here in pa. More power to him but I put it away when it gets below 40
I'm in California and I get postively annoyed at anything below 60, but I can still ride all winter. Come on down, the weather is fine. I ride a Super Glide Custom and I do have a windshield but I still get blasted with air coming around the screen. I just don't have the clothes that you Mid-Westerners have.
If it's above 20*F and no slush on the ground........I'm out riding. Put on 2,500 miles between November and April. chaps, no heated gear, nothing but johns and jeans.:p