We have forgotten about Bud White is that the absence of all color, and what about Biglew is he really big or what?
Big Lew is world renown for trashing clutches in one shot! :lolrolling
We have forgotten about Bud White is that the absence of all color, and what about Biglew is he really big or what?
Hmmm, I am beyond dry sometimes and starting to have no memory, but I remember when Clint was Rowdy Yates on Rawhide (which I'm sure Don does but many of you don't). But I just don't know enough about any of these guys to light them up. I do enjoy always listening to Glider and Jack go at it though. It's funny even when you don't know the inside story.
Hmmm, I am beyond dry sometimes and starting to have no memory, but I remember when Clint was Rowdy Yates on Rawhide (which I'm sure Don does but many of you don't). But I just don't know enough about any of these guys to light them up. I do enjoy always listening to Glider and Jack go at it though. It's funny even when you don't know the inside story.
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Smokem if you got em. :small3d031:
A bike with no peddles? That is just wrong, unless you live on the down hill side of the mountain.
Haven't heard that one since the Drill Sergeant would always say that at break.
I think I liked DooLittles knit bike better that the glider model. I know I'm opening myself up for a whoopun here but I ain't had one in awhile anyhow.
I think the concept is you just GLIDER on in.
For that matter wonder why he crashed those planes, if he was a Glider ?
I'm not saying it's true but from what I hear he has the glide ratio of a rock.