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How to Roast A Moderator

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Yes I do ride a Honda. I got tired of stopping to pick up parts that shook off my bike.:bigsmiley30::bigsmiley30::bigsmiley30:

Chester as a non moderator we will try to support your position, but we do have our limits. I support your right to ride the bike of your choice, but this is a Harley forum.:D:D
Oh so your intimidated by my bike? I ride all kinds of bikes it just happens to be a honda atm.

Just what in my response gave you the impression that I was intimidated by your choice of rides?

And just for the record, I don't pick on someones ride unless they start it first. I RESPECT all riders and what they ride. You choose how much RESPECT you will earn from me from the start.

My response to you was to assure you that what you ride does not matter to me. Your initial post was to demean the bikes that this forum is predicated on. As far as respect I mearly pointed out that you might not recieve strong support for your position if you continued to bash HD.
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Oh so your intimidated by my bike? I ride all kinds of bikes it just happens to be a honda atm.


Let's take it down a few notches here. You started off on the wrong foot with language in a few posts then proceeded to give the staff here some lip which in itself was enough to remove your account.

If you care to stick around, loose the attitude. We ride Harleys on this forum and when someone comes on with a Honda and get's into it with the members, we are a bit suspicious of them for starters.

You weren't "attacked" for your choice of bikes, just pointed out what you rode. As far as your bashing anyone on the forum, it would be your last post here if you do.

No if you go back you will see I was attacked for riding a HONDA and then you stepped into the conversation. I couldnt care less that this is a Harley forum. I have stuff to say and probably have very good imput for those that need help too.So once again I will not bash unless I am bashed which was what happened. Look back in the forum and research before you make a statement unfounded. Just saying.:newsmile108:

I'm pretty careful about checking facts before I respond, Glider response was to say what type of ride you have, nowhere in his response did I see any disrespect for your ride.
See here is a perfect example of what is lost in the translation. You don't realize I am laughing this whole time. I thought we were having a roast and you get all serious about it. This is roast the moderator thread right?? LOL..

Yes it is and DON is not a moderator, He has been at my back on this thread in fact he got Banned because of it just for fun soooo lets have some more fun and keep it fun:s
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