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How to Roast A Moderator

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Going to be blue very shortly. Waiting for my 150 days to download my manual because I gave mine to a friend who is out of town right now.....I'm sure it will be the best money I've spent. Certainly gotten a ton of info from the forum.

Green guy... The great Gazoo... never thought of the correlation between him and the mods but have to give you a well done!!!:taunt

you got it , i think a couple of them are really short (Jack's cat told me) just like Gazoo plus they might fly on hot air just like Gazoo.

Jack wake up i might need help
you got it , i think a couple of them are really short (Jack's cat told me) just like Gazoo plus they might fly on hot air just like Gazoo.

Jack wake up i might need help

No no, you're good to go Lorne. (keep sleeping Jack)
Just downloaded my manual so it must be my 150 day anniversary. What can I say. My Dad was born in Scotland and I and my groomsmen wore Kilts for my wedding. Being a wee bit frugal. Off to paypal I go...
Glad to support the forum because I have definately gotten some help on this site.
No no, you're good to go Lorne. (keep sleeping Jack)
Just downloaded my manual so it must be my 150 day anniversary. What can I say. My Dad was born in Scotland and I and my groomsmen wore Kilts for my wedding. Being a wee bit frugal. Off to paypal I go...
Glad to support the forum because I have definately gotten some help on this site.

if i was to say "i think they are all sleeping" one of them will get me.
ok Dad Scotland and kilts. my Dad Danish mother Welsh, i am Canadian, work in the USA and live in Venezuela, Heinz 57 what a great product..:D:D
if i was to say "i think they are all sleeping" one of them will get me.
ok Dad Scotland and kilts. my Dad Danish mother Welsh, i am Canadian, work in the USA and live in Venezuela, Heinz 57 what a great product..:D:D

Man Lorne, you can't decide which side of the bed to get out on.
Not sleeping.... We have two Mods on the forum right now..NEWHD74FAN & The Tank... They must be learking in the shadows :)
And I went to pay pal and gave some money. Must have to wait before my name gets to be blue-purple.
At least I'm glad we have the same bike....
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Man Lorne, you can't decide which side of the bed to get out on.
Not sleeping.... We have two Mods on the forum right now..NEWHD74FAN & The Tank... They must be learking in the shadows :)
And I went to pay pal and gave some money. Must have to wait before my name gets to be blue-purple.

tip toe tip toe and watch for the eggs:D:D:small3d005::small3d005:
To be honest, I'm suprised the Mods haven't closed this thread by now.
Maybe they are just allowing us to have our "fun in the sun".

Nothing wrong with having a little fun even if it's at Jacks expense :lolrolling

There's no reason to close the thread so why not leave it open and have some fun.:D
Funny Side?...... Not that any of our Mods are stubborn!:D

Be careful, I resemble that remark.

We are watching and reading. :s

And we don't forget.......Well, maybe Glider, but the rest of us will remind him. :s


You have about a days worth of reading here ...

Jack actually got a ON VACATION from the Mods tonight... I took a snap off the computer and sent it to Jack in an Email so he has the PROOF.. and Not the POOF ..

We got really teary eyed thinking Jack got the AXE. I even went back to re read the post to see what He had done..... LOTS, but not Really Bad.... Sorry Jack,,,,, WE were LAUGHING so Hard we almost forgot about Jack... Wished I could of seen His face.... :cry OR:bigsmiley22: OR better YET:bigsmiley19:

Yes, Probably the last one..


I'm so, so sorry to have missed this.....I laughed so much yesterday though, I didn't think I could top it, but man, this had to be good.
Hey Bubbie, can you email me that screen shot? It may buy you some reprieve..... :rofl

Be very careful with the Mods. While they do have a sense of humor it can seem a little warpped if you happen to be on the recieving end. I mean that in a good way Guys. That's not going to show on my credit report is it???:bigsmiley23:

Submitted to the 3 biggies....:tounge

i better not comment..i like being blue.

but if i had to i am still trying to figure out why the color GREEN, ok i know it is the same color as Joy's eyes. but that is all there is, then i got to thinking does everyone remember the Flintstones? the little alien was GREEN just make the mind wounder :D:D

Okay, the secret is out, we talk with the aliens, we are of the chosen, to recruit and educate........Now Lorne, if you receive an unexpected visitor this evening, open the door.........:panic:panic:panic

BTW, I have transported my concrete statue to WV & may be wearing a tee shirt with Marvin the Martian on it as I type......THEY ARE OUT THERE.....
Man Lorne, you can't decide which side of the bed to get out on.
Not sleeping.... We have two Mods on the forum right now..NEWHD74FAN & The Tank... They must be learking in the shadows :)
And I went to pay pal and gave some money. Must have to wait before my name gets to be blue-purple.
At least I'm glad we have the same bike....
Speed will fix the color up for you soon....No worries. Thanks!
Man Lorne, you can't decide which side of the bed to get out on.
Not sleeping.... We have two Mods on the forum right now..NEWHD74FAN & The Tank... They must be learking in the shadows :)
And I went to pay pal and gave some money. Must have to wait before my name gets to be blue-purple.
At least I'm glad we have the same bike....

JBC, yea they do leark and have there secret meetings (GREEN ROOM). i think they are planing world domination.:newsmile026::newsmile026:
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