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How to Roast A Moderator

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JBC, yea they do leark and have there secret meetings (GREEN ROOM). i think they are planing world domination.:newsmile026::newsmile026:

Yep....and just when you thought you were safe.......POOF!

Ask Jack :bigsmiley12:
JBC, yea they do leark and have there secret meetings (GREEN ROOM). i think they are planing world domination.:newsmile026::newsmile026:

World domination you will be lucky it takes 4 of us and a redhead just to keep jack in his place :p

Got to thinking last night after the having been banned, it could have been worse. Joy could have been there with that large knife and the pointy knitting needles.
World domination you will be lucky it takes 4 of us and a redhead just to keep jack in his place :p


Don't know why it takes so many, the redhead has been doing it for years by herself, just ask Jack!!!:taunt
Nonsense, I can do it with one finger.:bigsmiley12:

From a very personel viewpoint I can say without a doubt, that it is one powerful finger. And to think all the Mods have the same power. Maybe there is something to the alien angle.:small3d031:
Don't know why it takes so many, the redhead has been doing it for years by herself, just ask Jack!!!:taunt

Nonsense, I can do it with one finger.:bigsmiley12:

Bad dreams last night I kept seeing this GREEN blur and a lot of laughter, Any way I really am on a short vacation dont go back to work til Wednesday so you are stuck with me unless The Boss Hammers me again Hi BOSS:s
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