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i guess its time to quit smoking

Like UJ only do a cigar once in a very long while on special occasions...maybe once in 4 months is typical. Sometimes it just tastes good, and yes I feel the difference just 1 cigar does, the affect lasts for about a week...physically and mentally. Quit, if you really feel you should...especially if you are doing this regularly...your health is a top priority if you feel the affects from long term tobacco use.
I was at the doc's office for my physical and the nurse asks me if I smoke. I tell her no but I like a cigar on occasion and she tells me that I am a smoker. I felt insulted. I think if a man cann't have a stinkin stoogy and a glass of Jack once in awhile something is wrong.
I am afraid that if I ever quit, that will be the week that all the Harley shops start to sell cigarettes in the chrome department. Sometimes you just can not catch a break.
yup lol work at a small repair shop and the gas station part sells cigs . bust a knuckle , bang your head or hammer a thumb nail and cigs are only on the other side of the building lol adds to the diffaculty
;-) havnt set a date yet but mayb sunday
Mom and dad smoked from the time they were in their early teens. Dad finally decided to quit when the Dr told him that it takes at least 7 years for the lungs to heal after quitting. For years, Mom had promised to quit if he did.
Dad quit, mom didn't. Dad outlived mom by 15 years.
The strange thing is, they had four kids. #1 (me) and #3 never smoked. #2 smoked until he was around 45 years old, #4 still smokes. #4 has yellow teeth, bad teeth, bad breath, clothes smell, heart problems, etc. But still smokes.

If you want to quit you will, if you don't really want to won't.

I can only guess at how difficult it would be. But what's the alternative.
Good luck to ya! When you feel the urge to smoke, log on here and someone will be happy to help you work thru it.
I am on day 16 of not smoking. I quit Sept 17th. The 1st week was not too bad as long as I took Commit Lozenge. I used about 10 of them a day. I smoked a little more than a pack a day. This past Monday I gave up using the lozenge. It was like quitting all over again. But I don't think that is was too bad. I smoked for 35 years. My wife thinks it's been a horrible 2 weeks. I did get a little snippetty at times. But only while I was a wake. I was just fine when I was sleeping she says. LOL. Good luck on your quit. Also look up it has help me with moral support and ideas on what to and not to do.
I smoked for 34 years and i bet i quit 6 or 7 times.
This last time i used chantix it is expensive about $100 a month but it worked.
You know the bottom line is willpower.....
I have been smoke free for 15 months, my food does not taste any better and i dont feel any better.....but i do know it is the best think for my health.
Good luck my friend you can do it if you set your mind to it.
One thing working in my favor? My wife didn't smoke so, I only smoked at work or when I was out for a couple of drinks after work. It's really difficult to quit if you have someone else in the house that continues to smoke while you try and quit.

A couple of factors helped me decide to quit. I had my closest Aunt die of lung cancer. Watching her die at home was painful to me and the rest of the family to be there and support her during those final days. Frail and gasping for air and using an oxygen mask. She didn't smoke for the last two weeks of her life and I don't think she was complaining about the need for a smoke.

The second was looking at my children and knowing that I never wanted them to be at my bed side because of something that I could of prevented. God may take me away from cancer or from some cage making a left hander while yacking on the phone but, I will not be be a willing participant.

So I just quit cold turkey. My wife was tempted to buy a pack for me after a couple of weeks but, I refused to cave. But I was a bear to live with for about two weeks. I also changed my habits that partnered with smoking. I didn't jump down for a smoke with my co-workers anymore and didn't go for drinks after work for the first month or two. Maybe that's the reason I was so cranky?

I noticed that food tasted better and required less salt or ketchup and noticed my clothes didn't smell. And I gradually went out for a beer with some friends that I trusted that wouldn't tempt me and built off each day of being smoke free that now I don't even crave it anymore. Even if I'm at a BBQ with a bunch of smokers, I can be near them and don't even worry about it.

I don't keep a milestone for when I quit but it has been years since I smoked.

I just consider myself a non-smoker now and never counted the days since, I didn't want a reminder of being a smoker or being disappointed if I started up again.

It will be tough but, you can do it with some determination and making what ever changes you need to make to help make it work. Good luck to you!
get head strong i did 24 years ago chew gum or ?? you cant ride dead you cant help your family under the ground cold turkey is the only way easy to say you will be crabby a while keep busy ride the bike mind over matter hope you make it mb