Your one of the lucky ones, we've burned through our savings to pay off most of our debt, but between the mortgage, electric and gas bills getting higher, not to mention the food, its gettin absolutly scary. And I'm in my 50s , so not much chance to catch up in this economy.
I feel for you man. Some friends of ours were in the same boat, they got a relative to rent their home which covered their mortgage pmt, and they moved to N.C. where he was able to find 40 hrs a week work. They rent there for the time being. A lot of folks have moved away down here looking for work, but it's hard to do that when you own a home and it isn't worth much to sell now. Renting it out is the only option there if you know someone who can look out after it.
My friend who has a gutter business and a catering BBQ business has been slow for quite a while now. He has the time to ride, but no money for a bike.
I am new to this site BUT I feel for all you young folks. I am retired and was disabled on my harley a few years back BUT still in the wind on a fat boy low. Been riding my whole life and will NEVER give up, don't you boys neither. This government (EDIT)
is gonna change or WE will change it, one way or the other. Have a nice day! abcs