I received a warning--and was glad I got it. Confused, but glad.
I want to be here. Like any other group, there are social mores. You have to 'learn' the room. We like to think of ourselves as 'rugged individualists.' And many times that's not the case.
My reprimand was clear. I used a word not approved by the forum moderators. My confusion stemmed from the fact that I considered the word slang, it was not provocative, sexual or a recognized swear word.
However, consider the alternative. Since the moderators did not know me at that time, they could have just as easily stated, "He's new, he might be a troublemaker, let's get rid of him now." I could have very easily been banned on the spot.
I believe in mentoring. When your 'young apprentice' crosses a line, you correct him. No big deal. In time the moderators will know me, and during that same period I will better understand the playing field. Win/win.