Dave, did you feel the 'Whack' from the knitting needles? :rofl ... .. ... ... .. .. ...
Hey I'll admit it when I'm whupped. You knitters were way to tough for me.
I am sure you would be ok here as long as you are under the supervision of a responsible adult

Oh so I'd have to get the deskclerk to ok my wardrobe prior to leaving the motel (or whatever you guys call a stayover place). Nah I ain't riskin it. He might be a poofin cigarette type and feed me a line. That's just a wee bit much of a paranoid hassle.
Reminds me of a bar I went into one afternoon years ago in Daytona (back when I was single). Started playing pool with some guys there bout 3pm. There was even a biker there, I mean the real 1 percent looking type with levi vest, chained wallet and ice cube eyes. Had his chopped panhead sittin outside when I went in. He was playing pool with us.
Later bout sundown I was sitting at the bar drinking whiskey and (long story short) found out that it was one of THOSE (poof) kinds of bars. I think the name of it was Lenny's (1976 timeline). Once I got the WHOLE scoop, I didn't stay around for the strip show that night.
Whoa that's one of them things you find youself doing several reruns in your mind (afterwards) trying to decipher some of the previous afternoon in a whole different light. I was somewhere between embarrassed and sick to my stomach.
The bartender did say the bar's name used to be more self explanatory but they were having trouble pulling in enough money for the night shows (which by the way was adverstised to be a female). So they changed the name to Lenny's. Sure duped this (then young) redneck. But only once and never been back there again.
mat 60, Hav u tryd da Eav-in-lyn Spedreddin corse? Id warkd 4 me. wilks3
You know don't matter how bad your spellin is Mat, I always know what you are saying. There are some folks that you can't always be that sure about that way. Just keep on posting, I enjoy readin them, no matter how you spell it.