Active Member
Wondering if my 2010 RKC bike will have similar problem? I just replace the belt and should have check that but I did not... Just over 17,300 miles... I hope it will be okay... :bigsmiley25:
Wondering if my 2010 RKC bike will have similar problem? I just replace the belt and should have check that but I did not... Just over 17,300 miles... I hope it will be okay... :bigsmiley25:
Got the bike back together last night and rode to work this morning. The noise is completely gone and I believe quieter than when I first got it. Although I did buy used with 3000 miles on it. It always had a little HOWL if dropped into first gear coming up to a stop with the clutch in.
The bearing kit I got may have been a little more than parts sold separate but the bearing and race also came with the oil seal, retaining ring and a gasket for the forward part of the primary around the compensating sprocket.
Just curious, but why did you have to replace the belt at 17K miles??? I thought the belts could get 100K before needing replacement. Unless you got a little rock in there that created a hole.
So it seems your bearing was under the compensating sprocket and mine was under the clutch pack.
Just curious.. Do you happen to have the auto-adjusting primary chain tensioner ? Seems some are seeing premature clutch bearing failure because the primary chain is becoming too tight putting extra stress on the bearing.
Just curious.. Do you happen to have the auto-adjusting primary chain tensioner ? Seems some are seeing premature clutch bearing failure because the primary chain is becoming too tight putting extra stress on the bearing.