This subject deserves another look.
When you look even now at the cost of a goldwing, or Honda Hd wantabe copy compared to the real deal in some cases the Hd is not as exspensive.
Look at it down the road the picture gets even better for a Hd.
Compare the current market price of my 96 FB to a Honda copy of the same year.
The Honda is worth pocket change maybe 2000 if it real good shape and someone wants it. Fb will still sell for 9 to 10,000. And I have been ask may times if it was for sale.
When I bought my RG and word got out I had a few phone calls wanting to know when I was selling the FB as they checked and saw I did not trade it.
Honda will not in many case even work on a 96 and if they do you must put up cash in advance, because many that come in for work get left rather than pay the bill. Sign at every HD dealer I go to says will work on any HD 1936 to present.
Is a HD over priced may seem that way when your saving to buy one when you hand the money over but real world not really.
I am an HD rider and while there are some other intresting bikes out there HD is all I want to own.(maybe a buell man they are tempting.)