I shopped till I dropped looking for a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
The outcome? The dealers in my area would not budge on price!
This says a lot about price integerty when buying a H-D product. Overpriced?
Not really when u consider what's out there in comparision.
This is my first purchase of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. I am totally impressed with this company and the quality that goes into each and everyone of the motorcycles they manufacture.
To date my H-D 2008 FXDC anniversary edition build 1012 of 2000 has been a pure joy to ride. I just love the way is handles,rides and comfort. Not to mention the impressive torque it cranks out. This bike rocks no doubt about.
Am I happy with my Harley Davidson motorcycle? Couldn't have made a better choice.
Price? Cheap $15839.00 plus freight,dealer prep,taxes. Out the door for $19000.00 and change(canadian dollars).
Now only if the snow would go away!