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It just isn't fair

It's been in the 20's with snow and ice. Now it's going to 45 today. Gee, can I ride? Heck no. They've put down so much salt, the streets are white. My baby will never taste salt. She'll be sleeping for a couple months.
It's been in the 20's with snow and ice. Now it's going to 45 today. Gee, can I ride? Heck no. They've put down so much salt, the streets are white. My baby will never taste salt. She'll be sleeping for a couple months.

Same here, No matter how warm it gets in the winter I won't ride because of road salt. With spoke wheels I think of that salt just oozing into the wheels even when you wash the bike.
we got colder,averaging 5 degrees C now,and,would you believe it, its a whole lot drier and sunnier than its been all year!!What a dumb place to be!Specially with that Moron Brown trying badly to run things.
It's cold and snowy here,normally we can ride through November.This year the snow started early and I haven't ridden in a month:cry:cry:cry
They've put down so much salt, the streets are white. My baby will never taste salt. She'll be sleeping for a couple months.

Here they use magnesium chloride. When I was at the shop picking the bike up they warned me to never ride after they treated the roads here because the magnesium chloride will eat the chrome right off the bike. They had one customer who had his bike totaled because of it.

We just moved here so I had no idea that this was so hard on cars and bikes. Salt was bad enough....:(
It was 40 F. today after a week of heavy rain (no salt on the road) Sun in the sky, no ice on the road so I rode - not far, not fast but I rode and I feel grrrrreat!:taunt:taunt
today the warmest it got outside was 9* F. BBRRRRR:small3d014: no riding today.
I guess it would be mean to say that tomorrow (Monday) is going to be 63 degrees :D. I am definitely going for a nice two hour ride..The whole week is sceduled for low to upper 50's, but it is looking like rain in the forcast everyday.
It was 40 F. today after a week of heavy rain (no salt on the road) Sun in the sky, no ice on the road so I rode - not far, not fast but I rode and I feel grrrrreat!:taunt:taunt

How was the new seat and not too much to clean up eh? :D