Sidecar, chains, heated apparel, really, really thin weight synthetic oil (what does HD recommend for 30 below F?) and full windshield.
Of course the biggest pain in Vermont was...the massive amounts of salt dumped on the roads so the "sunbirds" from down south could drive without wrecking their cars.
Back in the day before everything was a felony count of enviromental catastrophic proportions, my uncle would get a bug sprayer and spray his vehicles inside (all the panels) and out with used motor oil diluted with diesel fuel. He did this every fall, and his pickup lasted 10 years with no rust. In Vt that's a flat miracle.
I've seen cars in Vt that were four years old and ready for the junk yard because of rust from the road salt. It'll get your bike too if you ride in it.
I love the South; live in WV now. Your car will actually last for years if you take care of it...
I used to ride in snow and all that when I was young. I take it easy now.
I laugh myself silly though, cause around here they get like 1/2 inch of snow and everyone panics and they close everything down, and you see cars on the side of the road. It's crazy...
In Vt it would be snowing an inch an hour and we'd just keep driving...
Vermonters have 137 words for snow, most of them obscene.
For what it's worth...