the real WILDPIG
i put a jagg on mine 9 yrs ago,, 1st hd i ever put an oil cooler on-- i am convinced its the best under 300. upgrd you'll ever do.......... quiter engine cooler runnin engine i even have seen gas mileage increase---------- u can feel the heat just radiating off the oil via the cooler-- im a 30 yr lincensed hvac-r teck so heat an its control has been my biz ness ............ in fact if hd wasnt the most under engineered bike on the earth --they'd come as a standard item................... it's not a question if one needs an oil cooler its merely-- will my hd run better an more efficiently with one-- yes it will. an one lil tidbit more-- since harley riders nearly always modify thier motors i'd say its virtually mandatory to run a oil cooler on a modfifed motor........ an lol use syn oil