Although i have the correct tool for checking my belt tension if i were to adapt or modify something that i think would give me a close enough result
get an assistant to hold bike upright get batroom scale place under belt mesure from the bathroom scale to 10lb deflection height of the belt cut a bit of wood to the correct length stick bit of wood between belt and scale adjust wheel till scale reads 10lb
clean batroom scale and get it back in the bathroom before wife notices what you are doing sweat a lot hoping wife does not get a splinter in foot next time she checks on how her latest diet is doing :51:
get an assistant to hold bike upright get batroom scale place under belt mesure from the bathroom scale to 10lb deflection height of the belt cut a bit of wood to the correct length stick bit of wood between belt and scale adjust wheel till scale reads 10lb
clean batroom scale and get it back in the bathroom before wife notices what you are doing sweat a lot hoping wife does not get a splinter in foot next time she checks on how her latest diet is doing :51: