Schooner in your case I would definitely recommend getting the belt tension tool. I have one, and it sounds like I'm not the only one, though many locals tell me they don't use it. But if you are in doubt get the tool. The link that Tbones gave is only like $10, that is the cheapest I have ever seen that tool. I would buy if I were you. You will find it's get used more than every two years.
But also use the tool as recommended in the manual, this is important since each bike's belt tension distance is different. I (as many on this forum do) set my belt just a tad more slack than what specs call for. It is better to err on the side of loose than tight.
Also I have also heard of the twist method and have checked it and it does agree with the belt tension tool setting, but Jack says the belt salesman told him it was not good to twist the belts. Anyhow I would get the tool, at $10 bucks it will give you many yrs of good belt tension.
I always set my belt tension first, trying to turn each side the same. Then I set my alignment. If I have to turn one side very much to get aligned then I check the belt again.