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Lazy day today

According to Tony's webpage it's pronounced (sa-shur-ee). It's the least we can do because he left such a good spice to us all.

Sa-shur-ee or Satch-er-a. Same thing. A spice by any other name would still taste as spicy. You say potato, I say french fries. :D
wrong meds Jack...those are the ones that make you studer :newsmile100::newsmile100::newsmile100:

:newsmile100: Just getting over a BUG:newsmile100: But I am getting better:p
redhead said we better keep an eye on you know we know what she meant...:newsmile100::newsmile100:

:newsmile100: Cant trust them redheads, got to sleep with 1 eye open:newsmile100: