It’s hard to believe that two weeks ago, almost to the minute, I was pulling into Murdo, SD at the end of day 24 of my adventure. Don’t ask me where the time has gone. I got a call yesterday from my local Harley dealer informing me my saddlebag locks were in. I rode the deuce to get them and installed the broken one without any trouble. As I have read all the comments to this thread many times, one of the last, posted by Cleftwynd, got me to thinking about the broken lock scenario. He stated “Luckily, that was the only issue you had on your trip other than needing to replace a worn out rear skin”. He is correct, and although I had worked my way up the MoCo chain of command as far as Willie G’s personal assistant, I decided I should, in fact feel fortunate that was the only issue I had. I knew the rear tire was going to need replacing on the trip, so that was a non-issue. It was not worth squealing about such a trivial item once I got it put in perspective. If I counted correctly, 41 members of HDT posted comments to my adventure; most more than once, many, numerous times. You will never know how much I appreciated the feedback and encouragement while on this once in a lifetime adventure from all of you. If any of you ever get around Skinquarter, VA and need frosty malt throat dust remover, let me know and they will be available.