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Nation wide helmet law ???

Wait! Wait! one more minute, here it comes! Yes, yes that's it, MICHIGAN finaly repealed their helmet law. What's this you say, theres a federal law now. DOH!

When did Michigan repeal the Helmet Law ? I haven't heard of any law pertaining to MC Helmets signed by the Governor into law yet .

The Helmet Law will eventually be stuffed down our throats and the Feds will do it just like the DUI/BAC limits were forced upon the American People . The Feds will threaten to take away Federal highway funding & States can't afford to lose the funding and that is all it takes to have a nation wide Helmet Law . The People should wake up before we loose all of our FREEDOM .
Nobody likes being told what to do...voluntary use is fine. But given that if it becomes a law, like others have stated Ice, Kemo & Steve I would never let a helmet law come between me and freedom to ride. One less excuse for the safetycrats to legislate motorcycling out of existance...which would be a REAL BAD DEAL!
There is some good news on the horizon. It seems we may have a friend in Washington. We must all support our local and national rights organizations.

From MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 510 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) | MRF - Motorcycle Riders Foundation - Ride with the Leaders


The new chair of the powerful U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) will be John Mica (R-FL). Representative Mica has been a constant supporter of the MRF and all of our initiatives, as well as a very staunch advocate for ABATE of Florida. When it comes to anything motorcycle, Mica has an open door policy for the MRF, and the MRF meets regularly with Mr. Mica and his staff. Mica is tasked with the awesome responsibility of writing the next surface transportation bill. This mammoth piece of legislation has been the vehicle for such things as the national helmet law repeal, NHTSA lobby ban, motorcycle education and awareness grants, and the motorcycle advisory committee. The MRF will be working hand-in-hand with Mica and his team over the coming months as the bill is drafted, to make sure that motorcyclists continue to benefit from it.
I've been down and the helmet saved my life, therefore, I always wear one and feel naked without it. The main issue I have with non helmet injuries is that in some if not most (most referes to teenage crotch rockets with no medical insurance) cases the rider has no medical coverage. Of course, their injuries are treated, rehab completed, job benefits received, etc.
And who gets to pick up the tab.....YOU & ME

Stop whining and put it on, believe me it does not change the ride except for one thing, if you go down and I hope you never do, your chances of survival with minimal injuries is greatly enhanced.
I have always worn a helmet and think all should. However, it is a personal choice and should not be mandated by the government or anyone else. If you chose to not wear a helmet, it's up to you and no one else. I do believe that all children should be required to wear a helmet until they are old enough to make a responsible decision for themselves.
We are required to were helmets in NC. If I had a choice, I would only were a helmet on long rides in traffic. Obviously, bikes usually aren't the problem...The non-attentative automobile drivers are!
There is a litmus test as to how States think and govern. Montana: If you don't where a helmet they don't care. California: Don't wear a hemlet and the ticket is about $250! Montana: Get caught with a half ounce of weed and you are doing 3 years. Calfiornia: get caught with a half ounce of weed and you have to get caught by a cop in uniform in a public place where the Cop has authority, and the most he can do it write an infraction for a max penalty of $100, which you can fight, and if you LOSE the most that can happen is the $100 fine and it can not go on your record if it is your first offense.

Do the math: There are states that care more about whats ON your head than IN your head.

By the way, I live in Washington and refuse to wear a DOT lid. Mine is a skully, basically a hat that looks like a helmet. If caught, I'm manning up. Not the Cop's fault. I'll smile, be polite, let him search if he wants, and sign the ticket, and bay the bill. My choice! Don't be like me, just do your thing.
A helmet law I think is nothing more than a seat belt law for motorcycles. Can the federal government really enforce a helmet law or would that be state jurisdiction?
I will comply with the law if it happens, but not with out a fight, we ride we decide not dictated to JMO:s
got caught once in alabama coming from xmas party , got left had to ride the fender cop said u boys know there is a helmet law and said dont leave till he is out of sight and dont let me catch u again