My wife did her MSF class at the Harley Dealership. (They used Buell's) I wanted her to do the course first and be sure she wanted to get a bike. Two weeks after she completed the course I found her a 1981 Yamaha Virago 750. Took me couple weeks to gather parts on e-bay but it is up and running like a champ now. She rode around our subdivision for a few days to work on the coordination. Saturday we went for a short ride on the back roads, and Sunday a much longer ride, backroads and light traffic. She did great! I am really proud of her. The point of this is she did her MSF on a Buell 500, the Virago is almost the same size. Both are pretty decent size machines compared to a Honda 250, she is settling in nice on the Virago, her confidence level is going up every ride. Get her something she is comfortable on, and let her progress at her own pace. A little prodding is ok, just don't FORCE anything on her. Good Luck, my wife and I had a great time riding yesterday.