I think everyone should have to ride a motorcycle! It may knock some sense into some of the more reckless and ignorant drivers out there. Once you don't have 3,000lbs of metal around you - you can't be as crazy! My husband was concerned with my getting a MC licence however, he and I have found that it's improved my driving and made me more cautious and aware of everything around me. He always said I was a good driver but I had bouts of road rage that you just can't have when you're riding a bike. Remaining calm and in control when some KNOB cuts you off on a bike is a challenge but I'd rather be safe than dead because I didn't something stupid in reaction to someone else's stupidity! Start small and work her way up - it will make her a more confident rider. I started on a Rebel, went to a Sporty then recently to a Street Glide and I've been riding less than 2 years. It can be done and size (of the bike!) is irrelavant when you have the skills and confidence.