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New Pennsylvania Law going into effect!

More gubmit control if ya ask me.
We lose a few more of our rights every day.

Agreed, but only because most of us have stopped fighting to preserve them.
This is just a money generator and a terrible law because if it is truly left up to someones perception of loud, it is all a gimmick.

Given the economy and the cutbacks at most police depts, everthing will be done to generate $$$$. Police who are strapped, overworked and taking pay cuts will probably only investigate these only if there is a fine or fee asscociated with doing so to make it cost effective.

Maybe I can start complaining about the trains that roll past my house. They are definitely louder than my HD...but I guess that is ok.

This "Nanny State" stuff gets me fired! As long as it can generate a tax and a politician can ram it through..
I hope that this does not last, Although I gotta agree with JC, I think those that abuse the noise of their pipes just to make people mad, and we know those kind of riders are out there, should be dealt with in some way, it is just plain annoying. Also if we are going to attack this, then what about kids with their stereos, and the loud cars that run first gear to rev limiter, etc. I also believe that loud pipes are just gonna disturb people, they should concentrate more on DUI offenders that often injure people bad or kill them, kinda makes the pipes meaningless.
There must not be any illegal immigrants, thuggs, gangs or crooked politician's in PA. so the cops got nothing else to do, YA RITE. There are so many laws the judges don't even know them all they have to look them up, but we're suppose to know them and not break them? TO MANY LAWS ALLREADY/ TO MUCH GOVERMENT ALLREADY.:newsmile030: :57:
It was only a matter of time. Personally, I hate loud pipes and find them to be another reason for the general public to dislike motorcycles. Interestingly, 2 of the guys I ride with are classic examples. One puts in ear plugs because his pipes are so loud. Another insists on riding at the back of the pack out of courtesy to other riders as his long shots are so loud you can't stand to be behind him. They have laws for cages regarding excessively loud mufflers. I feel it should be no different for motorcycles.

Knowing this is an unpopular view on this forum, feel free to fire away and tell me why we, as motorcyclists, should be exempted from noise restrictions.
It was only a matter of time. Personally, I hate loud pipes and find them to be another reason for the general public to dislike motorcycles. Interestingly, 2 of the guys I ride with are classic examples. One puts in ear plugs because his pipes are so loud. Another insists on riding at the back of the pack out of courtesy to other riders as his long shots are so loud you can't stand to be behind him. They have laws for cages regarding excessively loud mufflers. I feel it should be no different for motorcycles.

Knowing this is an unpopular view on this forum, feel free to fire away and tell me why we, as motorcyclists, should be exempted from noise restrictions.

People can't see you behind their cell phone But they can hear you:small3d007:

Right now when you buy that NEW quiet HD and put on a pair of slip-ons ,,, you probably ARE breaking the laws.... MANY of them...

SO FAR law enforcement looks the other way.... IF LAW PEOPLE WANT they can stop ANY BIKE (STATE TROOPER) RIGHT NOW and SEE if exhaust is changed( if not stock ILLEGAL) , or IF too loud,MODIFIED and deemed unsafe..... you get the picture....

SO YOU SEE........


No new laws for me... glad to have a lot off police owners of LOUD BIKES on MY (our) SIDE


all will suffer - well maybe not the "COP" Harleys! I hear their bikes just like I hear my own and others. Cop bikes are NOT quiet!

A couple of years ago the shovel was warming up in the driveway. The neighbor from across the street came barreling across the road. He wanted to know why the bike was sitting there idling (I would always let it warm up for a couple minutes). I explained that it needed to warm up as its an old style engine. He said his wife is trying to sleep and he was going to report me to the condo corporation. I said fine, I guess we're done talking and he stormed back home. 1 minute later the train rolled through his backyard:no