Its all just an excuse for authority to have a reason to harass. Anyone who has ever been arrested for resisting harassment can testify. The state and local governments have laws against profiling, particularlly racial profiling. While riders may not be a race we are a caterigorized group, why should any loop hole law like that be aloud to pass? People need to stand up for their rights or very very soon we wont have any. Yes there are consequences for standing up to the gov, but there are different levels of stands you can take and every American needs to do their part. If you dont want to be on the front line of balantly and publically violating illegal laws to make a point to them fine, but at least gently protest your violation of rights, its the responsibiliy of every American in order to keep the rights our forefathers and veterans have fought to provide us. Freedom is just an empty word unless you have the testicular fortitude for living free!!