I don't think there is a "wrong" answer here. If I told you to "make sure you find one that fits you", I would know what "fit" means to me, but you may not. Some things you may understand right away, like your feet many not touch the ground. Other things you only learn after riding a certain model for quite a while. Then there are variables like: do you think you are going to do long tours or short trips?
Also, if you are new to riding, there is a certain amount of fatigue you will probably get as you get used to a new mode of travel. This may or may not be related to the model of HD.
So, even if you try to get the "best for you" you may evolve into another model. But, the bottom line is that you are have a really fun time learning what you like!
For me, if you think you would like to potentially take some longer trips, some models offer more options for expansion (saddle bags, luggage racks) and more potential long haul comforts. But that is about it. You can make it work, no matter what model you have. I would say rent as many as you can and rent for 3 days if possible to really put some miles an work around fatigue.
Then, get what you can afford and RIDE, RIDE, RIDE. You will then build up a riding skill set and if you are not on your dream bike, you will know what you think you want when the opportunity arises.
Rember: this is all about fun!