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New Rider at 49 - Advice?

Great first post ktpea, and you are so right, the right one will speak to you....

Welcome to the forum also!
Don't do what I did... Take your time, ride alot of bikes before deciding.

I bought an 883 the day I passed the course, 6 months later I bought a Dyna and in another 6 months traded up to a Street Glide. Loved riding all 3, but SG fits me best.

Wasted a ton of money, but loved every mile!
You had the nerve to Hop on a HD but didn't have the nerve to participate. I'm thinking you will do just fine in both areas. Ride safe.:)
LOL, kind of what I was thinking. :s Seriously, that was a very inspiring first post, I admire people like you. Live life as it jumps out at you. I hope that I can continue to have great experiences throughout my life and when I see an opportunity, I will jump on it. Good for you Ktpea.
I mayself am new to the whole thing, and have just bought my first bike. I know how you feel wanting to make sure that you get the right ride.

I rode quite a few different models trying to find the one that i was most comfortable on. From my Father-in-laws Vulcan, a friends Iron 883, A goldwing, and a few others. MAke and model didn't matter to me, i wanted to be comfortable riding the thing (i was scared of dumping) I ended up with the Softail. It was the one i loved from the first sit, and now i own it.

Try everything you can, and get the one that feels "right", both in ride and for what you want.

My wife loved the Wide Glide, so we may be buying another bike later this season, or next year.

There are far more experienced people in this thread giving better advice than myself, i just wanted to let you know that someone else has been through the same thing as you.
I've ridden quite a few different bikes (both metric and Harley), I now ride a 99 Road King. I agree with the theory that you should try different bikes on a Demo day. You may find a larger bike more forgiving and comfortable. It will help you gain confidence and allow you to ride more. Enjoy, and welcome!!
Thanks, I really am so happy to be riding with my husband, who rides a barcalounger on 2 wheels (Gold Wing), he calls his bike his "Couch Rocket" LOL We are planning a trip to South Dakota soon that will be interesting, but fun.
49 was the exact same age that I purchased my first Harley.

Had done a little riding but never owned a bike. Went to the dealer to look at a 1200 Sporster and was prepared to buy it that day. This was a time when there was about a 12 month wait, but this dealership had 2 bikes, a Sporster and a BadBoy.

Ended up with the new '96 BadBoy and loved every minute in the saddle. My suggestion, for what it might be worth, is to buy the bike that you will be satisfied with one year from now, even if you might have to dig a little deeper. Doing this, you will not be so anxious to trade when you start feeling comfortable on your Sporty, which is going to be in about 3 weeks.

My last suggestion, which ever bike you choose, don't make the mistake of saying "This is the last one I'll ever buy".Good luck and enjoy the search...!
If you serious about riding IMO buying a 883 as a starter bike is a bad move.
There are no starter bikes.
You will adapt very quickly to any of the softails if you looking for a lower sitting bike.
And the touring bike feel like a Mck truck the frist time out but you pick it up quickly.
Nothing wrong with a sporty fine ride if thats the bike you want, there are many reasons to own a Sporty.
If you buy a softail, Dyna, or one of the touring bikes if you just start out with short rides and build up to it in no time you'll get along fine with it

I agree 100% with Smitty! Only buy the sportster 883 if the dimensions of the bike fit you. Don't worry too much about the size of the motor either......some guys will tell you to start out on a smaller motor and work your way up but that is just a HUGE waste of money IMO. Get the bike that fits your dimensions and riding'll quickly get used to the throttle on a bigger motor. My first bike is a 2010 FXDC with the 96ci and and I rode it home from the dealership with only the safety course for problems!!!! Good luck with your choice.