Regulator Bleed Test:
Be sure regulator is connected to battery. Unplug regulator connector at engine crankcase. Use a trouble light and touch one probe to a known good ground and the other to the regulator pins, one at a time. If the light glows, replace regulator. You can use a voltage meter the same way, there should be no voltage on either wire.
Do this test with a full charged battery, make sure your regulator is grounded to the frame
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Be sure regulator is connected to battery. Unplug regulator connector at engine crankcase. Use a trouble light and touch one probe to a known good ground and the other to the regulator pins, one at a time. If the light glows, replace regulator. You can use a voltage meter the same way, there should be no voltage on either wire.
Do this test with a full charged battery, make sure your regulator is grounded to the frame
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