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No more HD filters.

Oh...that is the same deal as the ice cream manufacturers getting together and saying who says a 1/2 gallon of ice cream need be put into that bucket...why not go to 1.75 Liters and sell for the same price...use the excuse the packaging is easier to open and scoop out without making a mess.

Now virtually all come in that package, training the consumer to accept less as normal. Since oil filter media is not a "screen" with symmetrical holes, it is pretty easy to see why and how they are grooming consumers to accept the nominal measurement method...not necessarily right, just the way it is. Welcome to Marketing 101...change the paradigm, "give" the consumer what they "think" they "need"...and sell the product based on this tactic.
Oh...that is the same deal as the ice cream manufacturers getting together and saying who says a 1/2 gallon of ice cream need be put into that bucket...why not go to 1.75 Liters and sell for the same price...use the excuse the packaging is easier to open and scoop out without making a mess.

Now virtually all come in that package, training the consumer to accept less as normal. Since oil filter media is not a "screen" with symmetrical holes, it is pretty easy to see why and how they are grooming consumers to accept the nominal measurement method...not necessarily right, just the way it is. Welcome to Marketing 101...change the paradigm, "give" the consumer what they "think" they "need"...and sell the product based on this tactic.

NEWHD, we used Napa as our first call for years at Sears, They are dropping the ball too much, Idont believe a word they say and I have dealt with there fast talking Managers trying to woo us back LOL
Does anybody know exactly what "nominal" means in measuring the percent that a oil filter, filters???

Ya I'll tell you was Nominal means. It means their quality control is so poor that they can't guarantee a specification.

"Our filters have a nominal filtration size of 5 Micron"

or in other words:p

"Our intention is all our filters will meet our published specifications. But the reality of it is, that would cost us just too much money.! So lets just say in MOST CASES they will meet spec. It's close enough for us, so it should be close enough for you.. And if it's not then too bad !" :D
Hoop, Do you mean NAPA's nominal 5 micron statement or HD's filter box that says
"Synthetic Filter Media Provides Nominal 5 Micron Filtration". I find either wording hard to accept without the beta-ratio.
I've e-mail Wix asking for beta-ratio on their new Harley oil filter 57148. Will see.
Hoop, Do you mean NAPA's nominal 5 micron statement or HD's filter box that says
"Synthetic Filter Media Provides Nominal 5 Micron Filtration". I find either wording hard to accept without the beta-ratio.
I've e-mail Wix asking for beta-ratio on their new Harley oil filter 57148. Will see.

Wilks, I thought you were asking what the word Nominal means as applied to filters in general. To me it would mean the manufactures window of error around the spec target number for finished production.. In this case the spec quoted by the manufacture is 5 micron. I read into that as it may be 5,,, it may be less than 5 by a bit,, may be more than 5 by a bit. But lets face it. I would say the deviation would be, who knows maybe 1 micron. (?) That would still be a good filter trapping size..

Yes, I am sure it is difficult to make filter material even and consistent because you have to fold it to get it inside the filter. And when you fold it, you can fracture the elements of the fiber, so in all fairness, nominal is a good word to use. To make a filter so perfect it only trapped particles exactly 5 microns or greater in size and would pass particles 5 microns or less would not be practical to build for an everyday consumer product.

I think what may be more important is how many square inches of filtering area is in the filter. Because once all the 5 micron holes trap a particle, the filter will lift and allow unfiltered oil to pass. Note the bypass pressure of 8 psi. Some of these bikes don't even have 8 psi of oil pressure when hot at idle. I see that as zero oil flow if the filter was clogged because there is not enough pressure to even collapse the spring..
Hoop, Got answer from Champion Labs. They make HD, Royal Purple, K&N, Mobile1 oil filters so I asked them.
"Nominal" means filter get about 50% of whatever micron you are saying. HD says nominal 5 micron, so it will get 50% of the 5 micron bits as they pass through, but not all of the 5 micron bits. This filter better have alot of sq. in. in it.
Hoop, The bypass psi is difference of oil psi on outside of filter media and the inside of filter core. Any oil pump thats good would easily overcome this as a clogged filter would act as a deadhead and oil pressure would instantly go up to open bypass. So I don't think this would be a problem.
$$$ 13,000 Harley and your are whining about a $13.00 filter ???? Why is anyone wasting their time on this thread ???
Because cheatin is cheatin..........and a liar is a liar. It seems we have some that sell things to us.
Good thing this ain't the ol' wild west...
I found a product called Filtermag. Claims it will catch all metalic particals down to one micron and stick it to the inside wall of filter and not interfer with electrical system. Anybody know ?