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the afr was about 13.5. wasnt lean. i will post a pic of the chart
Remember that A/F ratio is a 3 dimensional graph meaning your Plotting a point (your A/F ratio) against three other inputs:
1. Throttle position of grip in percent from 0-100%
2. MAP value (intake manifold vacuum or engine Load) from ~0"Hg - ~29.92"Hg
3. Engine RPM from ~600RPM - ~6200RPM
Saying your A/F is 13.5 is meaningless without knowing those other 3 values.
Engine RPM was 4000.
Map reading was 4"hg (very high engine load)
Throttle position was 100% (WOT)
An A/F ratio of 13.5 with these numbers is actually LEAN. It really should be in the 12's
So my point is be careful when someone shows you just one number without telling you the rest of the story