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you need gas NOW - what do you do - buy the ethanol gas? what say you?
curious minds want to know.
You buy ethanol fuel. What else can you do?
The question that was posted by the OP was "I was wondering if anybody has had a chance to try non-ethanol and if they noticed any difference".
As far as comparison goes,,, If a person can't feel the difference between non-ethanol and ethanol fuel, they have no sense of feel for performance. For me it is the difference between night and day in just so many way.
But remember that just removing the ethanol is Not the key. If the ethanol is removed, it must be replaced with Methyl tert-butyl ether. Removing the ethanol is easy to do but just removing the ethanol will still leave you with low octane garbage fuel.
Where I live there are a couple of non ethanol stations but they don't sell 93 or even 91 octane. Yes it is ethanol free, but it's also low octane so it almost defeats the whole purpose buying it.
I think you would be hard pressed to find the "yesteryear" ethanol free 93 octane fuel.