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Oil Temp gauge and Oil Cooler

I installed a McEwan on my 08 EGC, wanted to replace that useless air temp gauge. The install was ez and I feel my dash is balanced as both small gauges on the bottom are oil related. The gauge is a good match with the factory ones, however, it only reads to 300* the Harley gauge reads to 350*, for a reason, these new twinkies run hot. I have to say that once installed the gauge was initially a distraction as I constantly stared at it. I also learned, after a few months of panic that the gauge is only accurate between 170 - 240 * +/- 5*, outside this window the accuracy drops considerably. I learned this after my bike constantly read close to 300* and I called Roger McEwan concerned about the gauge. Roger himself (at least thats who he said he was, never met the man) informed me not to worry as all gauges have an "accuracy window". Anyway, now that I know, I enjioy the bike much more. ride safe.
I kinda like the air temperature gauge.

I find it is really handy at times like when I feel I am suffering from hypothermia. I can simply look at the gauge and confirm by the reading that I am in fact suffering from hypothermia based on the ambient air temperature instead of relying on old fashioned things like loss of feeling in the extremities and frost bite. :D
I kinda like the air temperature gauge.

I find it is really handy at times like when I feel I am suffering from hypothermia. I can simply look at the gauge and confirm by the reading that I am in fact suffering from hypothermia based on the ambient air temperature instead of relying on old fashioned things like loss of feeling in the extremities and frost bite. :D

Yeah that's right. What also works is when you are shivering so hard you can't read the air temp gauge. Great indicator that the next stage of hypothermia is setting in.
I had an Oil Temp gauge replacement on my 02 and was sorry I put it in........on hot days in traffic, it would reach the upper end of it's range and make me crazy to get moving and get some air flowing, cool things down. I'd start hearing things, feeling things, wondering if I was damaging things.
I've have had 2 more fairing bikes since my 02 and haven't considered replacing the air temp gauge again.
I think yer better off putting the dipstick gauge in and finding out you was hot after you stop otherwise, if your anything like me, you'll end up paying too much attention to that stupid gauge and not enough attention to the stupid road.
I had an Oil Temp gauge replacement on my 02 and was sorry I put it in........on hot days in traffic, it would reach the upper end of it's range and make me crazy to get moving and get some air flowing, cool things down. I'd start hearing things, feeling things, wondering if I was damaging things.
I've have had 2 more fairing bikes since my 02 and haven't considered replacing the air temp gauge again.
I think yer better off putting the dipstick gauge in and finding out you was hot after you stop otherwise, if your anything like me, you'll end up paying too much attention to that stupid gauge and not enough attention to the stupid road.

That's why I haven't put one in. Also, I don't want to do any work requiring removal of the inner fairing. A friend of mine had some work done that required removal of the inner fairing and he now has glue seeping from where the inner and outer fairings meet whenever it gets hot.
Not required to pull the inner fairing when I installed my gauge, removed the outer shell but that was it.
Got mine at autozone 38.00 works good probe good length Bought a20.00 one a harbor fright probe to short not reg, correctly Bezel is grey...
Living in the Lake Tahoe area, concern for freezing temperatures is important. As I ride through the Sierras frequently, I do want to know when I'm approaching that critical point. The problem with the stock HD ambient air temperature gauge is accuracy. I have installed a more accurate air temp gauge for my needs, and have replaced the original HD gauge with a Rodger McEwan oil temp gauge. I feel that I now have the best of both worlds.
Ambient temp guage was way off, always. Replaced with HD oil temp with sensor in cooler line. Bad idea as never read much over 100. Moved sensor to oil pan with excellent results. I did invest in oil cooler fans as soon as I started seeing some of the temps on escorts on hot days. Now can monitor, adjust and avoid worrying about it.