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Oil temp

I'm confused, how did you see temps without the temp guage? :D

really a slick unit... radio shack 89$ long ago.. It is shaped like a tear drop... fits in palm of hand.. fits into vest pocket or in saddle bag...


I usually shoot DOWN on oil in the oil tank with fill plug out and get the MAXIMUM temp inside hole... SHOOTING the oil cooler measures temps of the oil also..
it is very accurate

I also can shoot at something in distance ?? most i've tried is 40' and temp on object is displayed...

By the time that gauge tells you anything it will have melted down.
I ask show me the HD that melted down I am still waiting to see that bike.
And not one that failed because Bubba messed it up.
I ride my HDs in traffic in larger rides were it sits for long stops.
At the 105th I do not think we got out of 2 gear for 2 days in 100+ weather.
If a ride wants a temp gauge By all means go for it but it is a meaning less gadget.
Getting the engine on a great syn oil is the most important thing you can do to insure heat will not become a problem for you engine.
I just see way to many new riders get all worked up over a none issue and that bothers me

Sorry Smity: I don't buy it is a meaningless gauge. And contrary to your statement, uncountable bikes have melted down due to mutiple reasons as a result of hot engines. I do agree with you that if all is going well, you don't need a oil temp guage, but then if all is going well you do not need a oil pressure guage either. I also agree with you that too much worry is put on this issue. I do not agree with you it is a meaningless guage. If heat is not an issue, why do you recommend a full sysnthetic oil? I would bet it it because of the fact it does not break down as a result of high temps? If so, then heat is an issue I would guess. Otherwise why would you use a syn oil? All I am saying is while you may believe it is a worthless gauge others such as myself do not. It is certainly worth more than the truley worthless air temp guage which is never accurate. Cheers Buddy!:cheers
mine never gets over 200 degrees, usaully runs about 150-175
and i got a temp gauge and pressure gauge
Boil a pot of water and when it's boiling put the tip of the gauge in the water and see if it reads 212*. If it does, the gauge is dead on. If it doesn't then you know how far the gauge is off. I have a feeling it's reading low.
really a slick unit... radio shack 89$ long ago.. It is shaped like a tear drop... fits in palm of hand.. fits into vest pocket or in saddle bag...


I usually shoot DOWN on oil in the oil tank with fill plug out and get the MAXIMUM temp inside hole... SHOOTING the oil cooler measures temps of the oil also..
it is very accurate

I also can shoot at something in distance ?? most i've tried is 40' and temp on object is displayed...

Bubbie; What is the Maximum temp. you have seen shooting into the tank?
I think my wife is getting me a infrared temp. sensor soon for anniv., I've dropped enought hints. :D
usaully runs about 150-175

You should not be riding in the Snow. I bet your gauge is off. Run the bike on the hi-way. Let it idle for a minute. Shut it down and take off the filler cap. Insert a laboratory immersible mercury themometer in the oil and tell me you read 165* and I will buy you a drink.

Bubbie; What is the Maximum temp. you have seen shooting into the tank?
I think my wife is getting me a infrared temp. sensor soon for anniv., I've dropped enought hints. :D

With MY dyna using redline 20/50 synthetic JAGG oil cooler on a really HOT 105* day in az. after a hard run 208* was the temp in the oil tank..

ON ANOTHER BIKE (not mine), read 285* in tank,,,SAME RIDE with me... This bike was running AMSOIL 20/50 no cooler...

So go figure,,, It's a anniversary softtail that always ran high temps on any of the long rides i was along on.... The lowest (by his dip stick gauge) ran at 145*165* more often than the one I shot.... he did just trade that bike in for a road glide...(SIFI) the one that had the NEW bike with VERY noisy tranny... 1 & 5 gear whine.. then put REDLINE shockproof heavy in tranny and was amazed.

I know he is using amsoil in motor again in the new bike and I would like to shoot his temps again when I get down to az.

I wouldn't think it the amsoil as MANY swear BY it not AT it...

JUST like smitty mentioned careful how you aim the device if you get one..

THAT smitty----- been around the block a few times...

i hope for help can i put a #2200 vertical oil cooler on 09 ultra w/ lowers installed tx tom