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Our dog

No mews about Hogan yet but we are getting a lot of help and support from people here in the park.
Thanks to all of you
Hey Kemo... sorry to hear this story, prayin you find Hogan. I'm a CMA member and we've got a Chapter in Brownsville, TX... I'm trying to get a contact for you and I'll PM you with it as soon as I do.

I hope you find your bud soon. Maybe pics of the truck would bring out a nieghbor who saw it enter a property as it was daylight? Good place to check for hogan also. I bet where they stripped and "loaded" the truck is where you'll find hogan. Did you notice the mileage difference from a tripometer setting? Hopefully the little fella will show up at the door soon or a nieghbor will turn them in for a reward. Post around schools kids can be a good lead source. They can't hide him forever! My family and I wish you the best of luck.
I keep checking in, looking for those magic words that he's back! Don't give up! Given any kind of opportunity, your buddy will find his way back! Everytime I look at each of our pack (3) I think of your anquish and pray for his return! Best of luck!
No micro chip but he has friends and support all over the world now. A friend emailed last night from another park saying that a dog was seen laying in the sun not far from where the truck was stolen. I will go there this morning.
Good luck with the newest lead. This breaks my heart because like so many, my pets are part of my family. Prayers for you and your family and Hogan.

My prayers are with you and your family. People who would rather steal than work are real dregs. I hope all works out well for you and you get your truck and Hogan back.
I truly hope you find your dog. What a terrible and frustrating situation....
It makes me very angry.
I pray for the soon and safe return of your freind, as well as a terrible pain inflicted into the individuals who did this.