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Our dog

Thurs and Friday last week were brutal down here in south Texas. We had freezing rain and 25*f temps. They shut the highways down and power was off here in our RV park for 12 hours. Some places were without power for longer. I hope that Hogan had a place inside to sleep. I went to San Benito on Sunday to look for him. A girl called to saw she saw a dog fitting Hogans description but no luck, I thought I was going to be luck because when I turned onto the street I saw a dog catcher on the same street and thought that he might be there to catch Hogan but he stopped to pick up a dead cat. I talked with him and gave him one of the posters. I might go back to San Benito and look some more. I think that all this has caught up to my wife. She is in bed sick and she never gets sick like she is now.
The insurance company sent a flat bed to pick up the truck last week so I hope that the shop can start fixing and cleaning it.
You and Tina and of course Hogan are on the never ending prayer chain, Capital Jack
Man, Kemo I sure am sorry to here the bad news. I hope your better half starts to feelin better and I hope you find your dog. Good luck to you.
Any word yet on anything? I love animals so much and this really touched me. My prayers and thought are still with you.
No news on Hogan yet. It has been over 2 weeks now. We have been interviewed by 2 TV stations and the newspaper down here. The paper put our story on page 1, about 1/3 the front page. I have been recieving emails from people but some have seen a lost dog 5 or 6 days ago. I have gone to about 6 fresh sightings but nothing yet. We got a call from the police today to come and identify a dog but no Hogan. I have been offered 3 dogs. People here are so nice here, people I don't know are offing to help with a reward. I am kinda upset now after the police call cause I thought that would be the one.
One good thing that is going to happen is that I will meet a 1st cousin that I have only met once or twice. He read the article in the newspaper and emailed me asking if I lived in near London Ontario. He said that his father had two brothers that lived there. He is 10 miles down the road from us here in Texas, so on Sunday we are meeting. He lives in Winnipeg Manitoba. It is a small world that we live in but not small enough to find our Hogan
Don't give up hope on Hogan. Dogs are miraculous when it comes to survival and built in homing instincts. How long had you been at your location before his abduction?

I hope by now that your wife if up and about. No doubt about it that this kind of stress takes a toll on people! We're wishing you all well and can't wait to see that "HOGAN'S HOME!" post appear.

The key word around our house is "BELIEVE!" We hope it is yours as well!