The same code keeps coming up every once in a while, for the throttle body connection. I read that this happens to a lot of throttle bodies. I disconnected the plug, sprayed both the body contacts, and the plug itself with brake cleaner. Gently blew it dry with compressed air, put a light coat of diaeletric grease. Since then it’s been behaving much better. But it still has its moments. Today after I’m done with Momma’s car and my Pickup. I’m going to try the cleaning of the hole of the throttle body. It can’t hurt, sometime it idles so beautiful and other times it definitely misfires on and off. But it does this more often then not. I recently had the tank off physically looked at the wiring not know this is an issue. I did unplug and reconnected both injector wires. I took the tank off because I smelled like a wire loom burn, and I was concerned. It turned out that one of the wire looms was laying against the rear of the front head just above the OEM bracket for the air cleaner housing. I got myself a frame clamp, aquired a little slack and moved the loom away from the head just enough to stop the smell. I changed the plugs and wires last year. While I had the tank off, I rerouted the front plug wire because I didn’t like it laying against the edges of the engine parts. I also moved one of the plug wire supports because of the love jugs wiring and frame bracket. I mounted the love jugs and horn to a frame mounted bracket so they don’t shake around in the traditional way. I’m trying to draw you a good picture so it makes it easier for you to get a better understanding of what’s going on here. Thank you for your input I appreciate it.
Anthony C