Anthony C
I would like to take the time to say thank you to all that participated in my crazy problem. It’s never so easy, but I’m sure it’s something simple. I looked in my HD repair manual, and it shows nothing on sensor OHMS/VOLTS. That’s a whole other electrical manual to try and check OHMS and outputs to any sensors. I came across a video last night on YOU TUBE on exactly how the MAP sensor works, a long with the MAF sensors. I have a feeling it’s the throttle body itself. I could be wrong, but the only code I ever read was for the throttle body connection. Do I want to start changing parts in the dark, NO. sometimes it idles so smooth I scratch my head. The MAP sensor helps control the length of the pulse to the injectors. At an idle (in between the inside of the butterfly to the intake valve) the intake is at a high rate of vacuum, this tells the MAP sensor to shorten the pulses of the injectors because there’s no atmosphreric pressure there. Now wide open throttle theres 14.7 lbs of atmospheric pressure. In turn there’s pressure on the MAP sensor which in turn lengthens the pulse to the injectors, the result is more fuel. But I can’t check any of the volts from the MAP because I don’t know what is good and what is unacceptable. At any rate it’s not flashing any codes. That’s why I say it may be the connection to the throttle body, or an injector that is slacking on very short pluses. I’ll have to play with it more and see what I come up with. I’ll keep you guys posted. Thank you very much again.
Anthony C.
Anthony C.