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My BIKER father (while He was alive) and My wife, exchanged "Easter Gifts" for Many years..

They would always TRY to "out do each others Gift" and wrapping them differently in disguise....

The Most Memorable "Easter Gift" My father gave my wife
was an assortment of just plain:lolrolling "Candies and Raisins" in her Basket..

My wife asked Him? why no "Easter Eggs" this year?

He replied "RABBITS Don't Lay EGGS" :D

Now THAT Sparked a Whole Different Tradition that went on for Many More "EASTER" Gift Giving years..

We have become a selfish society and more concerned about ourselves instead of maintaining traditions as a society. Any tradition. I am so tired of the victim society that we live in. Someone will always disagree because it may impede on someones beliefs or concerns. What ever happened to this is the way it is and play along or go elsewhere. I thought majority ruled. All PC correct has done is created a environment of extra hard work to make a decision's so no one is impeded upon. Just my 2 cents....:dknow:small3d023:
Such a complicated topic, the whole p/c thing. Where do you draw the line? No more Easter, or Christmas, is that the way we really want to go? As far as I can remember, the only thing that Easter and Christmas have ever meant to my family is those were the days that we put aside our differences, got together and shared a meal or two. We see to it that the children get some presents or candy etc, and maybe get a little story of santa claus or the easter bunny.
Kids having a good time, family tolerating each other "if only temporarily" I don't really see any harm here. If you don't like to celebrate easter, good for you, but keep it to yourself, please. Just my $.02
I agree that it is very sad with the politically correct, please don't offend anyone state of the world. (We even have to sort of enforce that on the forum) Otherwise, this thread will just get me in trouble. :s

But Happy Easter everyone!
My Bro-in-law always use to say.
"We all have enough of our own problems, and we should take care of them first before worrying about everyone elses"
I am not a political therefore I don't have to be politically correct. I'll keep Easter.
Wow somehow I missed this one. Enjoyed all the replies. It is a complicated situation and many times dissappointing.

I'm from a background that agrees with Kemo, in fact not too many years ago I would have said it exactly the same way. However the older I get I tend to be more open minded. My wife says I would make a good lawyer except for the fact that I would saw my own foot off in an effort to find the truth.

This country was founded on freedom of 'all ' religion or ' no ' religion. It was written into the constitution purposely due to the oppression on the protestant settlers from the Church of England. Back then you could get your head chopped off for saying the earth orbited around the sun, instead of vice versa. Or for being caught reading certain books of the Bible not included by the Church of England.

It does sometimes seem though that the court rulings are not always fair but more PC so as not to offend. I think it's amazing some of the things that seem to offend folks. I've never really understood why the 10 Commandments being in a court house would offend someone. Even if I were an athiest (which I am not) I would still want those ideals posted if I were on trial.

But I hope somehow we can all learn to live together with all the cultures and beliefs, or as Benjaman Franklin once said we must hang together or we will most assurdly hang separately.
Well Happy Easter. If you don't like it, then don't celebrate it, don't try to make it just a time of year. Easter is about remember Christ on the Cross and what he did for you.

I'm tired of the just time of years too, if I wanted that I would make up my own holiday. Pastor just gave a great sermon this week, this is by far a more important holiday to the Christian faith then Christmas or any other holiday out there. It is in rememberance of the week leading up to the ultimate sacrifice, when Christ marked his death with the final words "It is finished." He then rose just 3 days later. The death and resurrection provides salvation to any who will come to the cross. Never forget!