I can relate to you there gunnut, I don't understand much of the Bible either, nor do I understand 'some' church people. But what sold me was for Christ to have conducted his life as he did and then endure his murder the way he did, then (to me) he must have been who he said he was.
Some say he could have been a lunatic, but I've never seen a lunatic live and die like that, and there are secular historic writings of this outside the Bible.
Anyhow to stay on thread here, I'm not PC as most would call it, but I do agree with the constitutional laws of separation of church and state and think it is a good thing. Would like to say more on that, but I amazed this thread made it as far as it did without being closed so I will let it be. Most folks already have their opinions made up anyhow when it comes to volatile subjects like this.
Here's hoping every American, whether it be the original Native American or the lastest immigrant to legally come over, loves this country for what it was created for, freedom from oppression, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think that goes whether you are PC or MAC.