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PC correct

I really get tired of all these people that push (nay, ram) political correctness down others throats. In their rush to not offend, they offend and oppress even more but don't see it. They are nothing but apologists who keep bringing up centuries old ills to justify their actions.
I am not PC correct , Old School and wish ALL a Happy Easter for all who choose to believe in the raising of Jesus Christ:s
I'm glad to see so many profess the name of the person I have always believed to be who he said he was. I am glad we live in a free country that I was allowed to have read of him without fear or oppression. I have along the way met friends who are Buddist, and Muslim who worship differently. They said they were raised that way and so that is their religion. I suspect that does play into a person's beliefs. But we respect each other's views. None of them (that I knew) would have a problem with Easter Eggs as long as they could also have their celebrations.

I'm not really very religious as some would call it. But I would most assurdly need a ransom for my sins so Christ would be the only pertinant one for me. No amount of Budda's enlightenment (with all due respect for the man) would cover my sins. When I got out of the Army I had a lot of questions and read several books on different religions of the world.

I am what I am judge me as you know me, but I always liked this verse and try to live my current life by it.
1 Corinthians 13
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am as a clanging bell. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
I'm glad to see so many profess the name of the person I have always believed to be who he said he was. I am glad we live in a free country that I was allowed to have read of him without fear or oppression. I have along the way met friends who are Buddist, and Muslim who worship differently. They said they were raised that way and so that is their religion. I suspect that does play into a person's beliefs. But we respect each other's views. None of them (that I knew) would have a problem with Easter Eggs as long as they could also have their celebrations.

I'm not really very religious as some would call it. But I would most assurdly need a ransom for my sins so Christ would be the only pertinant one for me. No amount of Budda's enlightenment (with all due respect for the man) would cover my sins. When I got out of the Army I had a lot of questions and read several books on different religions of the world.

I am what I am judge me as you know me, but I always liked this verse and try to live my current life by it.
1 Corinthians 13
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am as a clanging bell. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Well said! I grew up in a religion (which I won't name), now I am a person many would call to be "religious," but I will tell you I don't have a religion I have a relationship with my creator and savior! For that I say Happy Easter! and most of all thank you Jesus!

As with you, I respect others people's views but will also challenge as well (not in a pushy way but in a conversation, if they don't want to hear then I will not push any further) and try to show them the 1 way to heaven "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man commeth unto the father but by me" (John 14:6)
I am glad to see that we have so many who believe.

Ken, I have had a lot of people ask me why, I respond if it is not true I have lost nothing but if it is true and I know it is LOOK what I have gained:s
I dont believe in any of that god stuff,but respect the beliefs of others,that sincerely believe in whatever god or being they feel the need to worship.I dont understand it,but, would like to wish you all,Happy easter,or whatever fest you hold sacrid in your faith.May your god go with you.
The school board stated that they have a Religion and Religious Accommodation' policy which makes a point not to promote any "religious belief or non-belief."

That kinda promotes the athiest's beliefs then, doesn't it?:D

Hope everyone is able to spend Easter with loved ones and friends.

I'm not a church goer as such but believe in God. After all, something's managed to keep me alive all these years besides dumb luck.
I dont believe in any of that god stuff, but respect the beliefs of others, that sincerely believe in whatever god or being they feel the need to worship. I dont understand it, but, would like to wish you all, Happy easter,or whatever fest you hold sacrid in your faith. May your god go with you.

I can relate to you there gunnut, I don't understand much of the Bible either, nor do I understand 'some' church people. But what sold me was for Christ to have conducted his life as he did and then endure his murder the way he did, then (to me) he must have been who he said he was.

Some say he could have been a lunatic, but I've never seen a lunatic live and die like that, and there are secular historic writings of this outside the Bible.

Anyhow to stay on thread here, I'm not PC as most would call it, but I do agree with the constitutional laws of separation of church and state and think it is a good thing. Would like to say more on that, but I amazed this thread made it as far as it did without being closed so I will let it be. Most folks already have their opinions made up anyhow when it comes to volatile subjects like this.

Here's hoping every American, whether it be the original Native American or the lastest immigrant to legally come over, loves this country for what it was created for, freedom from oppression, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think that goes whether you are PC or MAC.:D
I can relate to you there gunnut, I don't understand much of the Bible either, nor do I understand 'some' church people. But what sold me was for Christ to have conducted his life as he did and then endure his murder the way he did, then (to me) he must have been who he said he was.

Some say he could have been a lunatic, but I've never seen a lunatic live and die like that, and there are secular historic writings of this outside the Bible.

Anyhow to stay on thread here, I'm not PC as most would call it, but I do agree with the constitutional laws of separation of church and state and think it is a good thing. Would like to say more on that, but I amazed this thread made it as far as it did without being closed so I will let it be. Most folks already have their opinions made up anyhow when it comes to volatile subjects like this.

Here's hoping every American, whether it be the original Native American or the lastest immigrant to legally come over, loves this country for what it was created for, freedom from oppression, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think that goes whether you are PC or MAC.:D

Dave, this thread is surviving because everyone is being respectful and behaving properly. :s This is a very delicate line here, but we will allow it to continue as long as it stays on track.

I have a friend who is a Buddhist and he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. We never try to change each others mind when we talk, but when I walk away from him, I always have a good feeling. It's really hard to explain, kind of like we both have positive energy that we feed off from the other. Like I said, we never try to change the others views. I wouldn't change him for the world, if I tried, our visits may not have the same level of enjoyment. :s