The majority of the information I have found indicates that the total travel of the lifter piston is 0.200". The guy your were talking to may have meant that the adjustment should be 0.125", which is what I had thought would have been half way. But as I have been saying, I can not find any engineering info on the lifters that would show this definitively.
HDWrench measured four B lifters and provided the info above which tends to reinforce the 0.200" nominal spec. That is why I am going to back my pushrods off 5 flats and see how that does. If I get a bunch of noise, I will go to back out 3 flats to 0.125" and see what that does. Worse case: I end up back where I started!!
Should I be backing off on my pr's, I did the three turns as TQ suggested when I was installing them on both my 01rk and 06 flhtci. What will happen if left alone? Both bikes have stock lifters.