You can save yourself some money and drain and inspect the oil yourself. If there is metal shavings in the oil it won't be hard to see. Cutting open and inspect the filter is also a easy task.
Real good advice and please let us know what you find. Your avatar says 08 Sportster but this is in the Softail section. What bike are we talking about and what if any mods have been done to it?
08 Heritage Softail. still have the xl1200 but never updated my profile. Ultracool tried to back pedal but now says they sent claim to their insurance carrier. We will see. I have an action plan and will execute it as needed.
im a products liability adjuster so know how to handle this.
The oil cooler is their product and under a CG0001 policy any damage to the product itself is specifically excluded. However any resulting bodily injuries or property damage that is caused by their product is covered. Coverage should not be an issue if in fact they did file the claim.
I asked them when the whole thing started to notify their insurance company. Insurance companies hate to have late notice of a claim and can be a basis for denial of coverage.