Well, I guess it seems like I might have to give some of my money to the MoCo. I pulled a lot of things off the bike and did a ton of cleaning and checking for bad wires, leaky gaskets, ect, ect. I was told by a guy that his bike was doing the same thing and it ended up being a injector. I went and bought some seafoam, and added it to the tank, put a new air filter on for good measure. I fired up the bike, still hearing the miss I decided to take a small run on it. The first five minutes it had no change, still a bit of hesitation at small amounts of throttle and during normal acceleration. After about five to six minutes in one direction on a country road with no change I decided to turn around and head back to the garage. I said a few choice words with disapointment and went through first and second gear with it making the popping noise/hessitation, hit third gear and the ol king came to life. The rear cyclinder stopped popping, there was no hessitation and it took very little effort and throttle to get the 103 to wind up. It was running like a champ. I did several stops and going throught the gears to see if it was just me, but it had cleared up, running strong. So I cancelled all plans and rode till my back side couldnt handle it. I went home, pulled in the garage with a smile and said thats what Im talking about. Bikes running good, skin is crawlin from being wind blown and my back side is sore, It was a good day!!!!!! I got a call from a buddy that said every one is riding today, and wanted to know if wanted to go. 120 mile round trip sounds like fun, plus I havent been able to ride all summer. We headed out, and I was the only one smiling like a retard. We got about ten minutes it the trip and my bike started popping through the rear cyclinder pipe and through the breather and was hessitating agin. needless to say I limped the ol king home, and if my twin sons had not been outside waiting on me,"they could hear dad comming down the road" I would have thrown a big babby fit, but they were watching me. I dont know why its running bad, runs good then bad again. So my questions are.
Would a coil cause this?
Could it be the fuel pump?
Is their a sensor that would just affect just one cyclinder?
What could be affecting just ther rear cyclinder, that would clear up and then mess up again?
Guys, I do apologize for the length of this post. I also am thankful to have a group of people like you to get advice from.
Thank you.