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posers/bikers fine line

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Well Rich I was beginning to think I would never see another of your more exuberent posts again. Unlike you I could never type a post that long without it timing out.Well said though. I don't totaly agree though.from what I have seen since I came to this forum is that every member is treated equal and the mods try to help everyone equaly.That said if we highjack the odd thread it's only in good fun:D I WAS one of the newbies whose first post was to scream for help,I just never left!
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Your post is thoughtful, well-conceived, (certainly well-intended), and each point you make is absolutely valid.
I can't agree more that each one of us is entitled to their opinion, and has a right to express that opinion as long as they remain within the boundaries of good taste set by The Boss. (Glider)
So, we have a conundrum!
On the one hand, it is wrong for me, or anybody else, to say a thread is a "waste of time", if the O.P. was simply expressing their opinion.
But, that is a double-edged sword, isn't it, Tigg?
I, and everybody else, has an EQUAL right to express the opinion that any given thread is lame, has been previously beaten into the ground, and is, in my opinion, (or that of anyone else's), a "waste of time".
You can't say that one person has the right to express their opinion but another doesn't, or that invalidates your entire argument, which, by the way, I happen to agree with, when all is said and done!

Now, all that said, NO ONE, including yours truly, should ever make another on this forum feel stupid for expressing their opinion. That just makes such a person look small in my eyes, and yes, I am including again, yours truly.

So if I have done that, my opinion about this or any other thread notwithstanding, I am deeply regretful about that and offer my apologies with the utmost sincerity.

Now, on another point you made, about any possible "hierarchy" here other than The Mods. (Sounds like a band from the "British Invasion" era of the 60's, doesn't it?)

That's another good point, and I'd like to address it, because in my opinion, and think about this before you respond, YES, I think there IS a "hierarchy" among the members themselves. Is that a "bad" thing? As long as it doesn't result in the kind of abuses you mentioned, no, I don't think it is.

Here's why.

First, let's get the dynamics of this "hierarchy" defined.

The usual connotation of a hierarchy brings to mind a group, like our members, divided into sub-groups, with one particular sub-group held in higher regard or perhaps with more "POWER" of some kind than another sub-group.

Let's not pretend we live in a perfect world where everyone is equal.

In EVERY society, (and HDTimeline is certainly a society of it's own, with a government, leaders, laws, and many other components of a typical society.), there are groups that wield more influence than others within that society.

How and why does that happen, and is it "right"?

Well, again, that depends on how it's demonstrated.

NO ONE, even a Mod, is allowed to abuse another member here, at least not without repercussions, and I think Glider has shown us that time and time again. So, our society does indeed have expectations of fair treatment, and I think we get it, as long as we obey the laws set forth within this society.

But do some members have more influence than others?

Again, lets be real here!

OF COURSE, and that is as it SHOULD be!

Should a member who has only posted 4 times, and each of those posts only demanding help for a problem with his bike, and no return assistance or even engaging conversation with other members have the same influence as say, BigLew, who has hundreds of posts and has been happily involved in many, many scenarios where he was both seriously assisting someone in need of technical advise or at other times engaged in interesting and entertaining conversation? Likewise Steve, same points? I could bring up several more examples, but I'm sure you get my point.

The reality is we have some members who just come on, and without so much as introducing themselves, launch right into an "I need this, and I need that" conversation, without contributing ANYTHING, either financially or within the forum through advice or active conversation, and just think this is a free tech well, that they can dip into without ever giving back.

Then, there are the members who I just mentioned, and many more like them, who have contributed almost EVERY DAY in so many ways that, YES, they have a higher place in whatever "hierarchy" we have here, and rightfully so!

Just like the society we live in, where active participation in the community, either through financial contributions or volunteer help, (or sometimes both), raises your stature in the community, so does that same participation and contribution here!

That's the reality, and frankly, i wouldn't have it any other way.

Guys, your thoughts?


Richard, there should never be any hierarchy on a forum. They always develop for some reason though.

I agree people should learn to use a search before posting something many of us have seen answered before, but they will learn that in time. Many people are new to the forum, new to bikes or new to HD. Treating them rudely or belittleing (sp?) them may make them never come back. My dad has a lot of trouble even posting in a forum, it is new to him. He gets interested and reads a lot, but does not post much.

This is a great forum. Let's keep it that way. Contributing dollars is just a nice thing to do. It does not raise one's stature. Contributing useful information makes this forum a better forum. Those who contribute will get respect and not even ask for it.

We all have our opinions. Tooting one's horn because he donates $$ or posts more is really not much different than the guy with a Harley who believes now his CaCa stinks no more.

Anyway, be respectful and polite to everyone, every time and this forum will continue to grow.

Okay, off the soapbox! Ride Safe!
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I don't really see it as a double edged sword . Everyone here has the right to express their opinion and that's exactly what we are all doing. My point was more along the lines of responsibility and stifling the views of another member (all be it unintentional). I agree that a "Hierarchy" or "pecking order" will just naturally occur. We don't live life in a vacuum.But (in my opinion) with ones progression in the "pecking order" should also come a self imposed progression of responsibility. If a "newbie" comes in and asks an opinion on something that has been "beat to death" should they be made to feel (intentionally or unintentionally) that their point isn't worth discussing? If one of our friends came to us for an opinion or question asked in earnest about something that seemed trivial to us would you answer in earnest or with the a condescending attitude ? We have all heard the saying "there is no such thing as a dumb question" The example of a 4 poster coming in and demanding answers to questions isn't really what we are discussing here although it does happen. That person by demanding answers has set the mood of the thread by their own actions and most likely the mood will be reciprocated. The type of threads I am referring to are ones where a member asks what they deem to be a valid or thought provoking question only to be shut down by members who may think it to be a waste of time.I am not pointing my comments at any one person just at what I see as the prevailing attitude amongst some . These are just my thoughts and are not intended to ruffle any feathers only to make people think. If they do offend I apologize ,it is not my intent.
Some great points being brought up here by these posts and I agree with them. I have on occasion removed what I felt was a condescending post aimed at the poster of the question because I have seen it happen on other forums and it creates an negative attitude IMO with the original poster which shows up in their posting style later on and ends up taking away from the forum ultimately .

Unfortunately and I feel I am to blame for this also when replying that your intent isn't always apparent in the type written words without the usual :D:s:33::( to accompany it so the proper thought is apparent.
I reply to a number of posts daily and realize that my posting style could be improved a bit but my main idea is to get the info posted and sometimes it may come across a bit rude if I just post a link with no explanation to accompany it.

Treat others as you would like to be treated unless there is a reason for not doing it which should be brought to the attention of the moderators if it is serious enough .
Most of all who have posted have valid points,but lets not beat it to death guys, It's Monday I'm at work and I shouldn't even have opened the site again (but I did),so lets go back to having a good time. Glider bring your bouncing bride back out for an encore!:D
Wow what a thread! Lots of interesting info. and thoughts. I did learn the importance of $donation$ guess I never realized how these forums existed.
Ok,I will up front say i intend no disrespect to anyone on the forum. I am the silent type not saying much but reading a lot. If it seems I am pointing out one person do not take it that way.
Some of us don't have a lot of experience at repairs so we can't offer ideas and how to's on repairs, does that that make us less of a member of a wonderful site? I for one don't think so. Some are struggling to make the bills so at this time donations are out of our reach. Does that make our membership less than others? Maybe. But as we learn and are able to we will help in ways we can.
Sorry all I guess i should have kept my ideas to myself but i had to say that.
Ok,I will up front say i intend no disrespect to anyone on the forum. I am the silent type not saying much but reading a lot. If it seems I am pointing out one person do not take it that way.
Some of us don't have a lot of experience at repairs so we can't offer ideas and how to's on repairs, does that that make us less of a member of a wonderful site? I for one don't think so. Some are struggling to make the bills so at this time donations are out of our reach. Does that make our membership less than others? Maybe. But as we learn and are able to we will help in ways we can.
Sorry all I guess i should have kept my ideas to myself but i had to say that.

I would like to respond to your post,most of us are not really experienced in our own repairs ,thats why we are here foremost to gain experience,secondly to have a little fun ,my own lack of knowledge and blunders are well documented. My friend honestly never meant to disrespect anyone, he just gets a little passionate at times:D And no you shouldn't have kept your ideas to yourself everyones ideas and viewpoints are valid as long as they don't cross the rules of the forum:s
Ok,I will up front say i intend no disrespect to anyone on the forum. I am the silent type not saying much but reading a lot. If it seems I am pointing out one person do not take it that way.
Some of us don't have a lot of experience at repairs so we can't offer ideas and how to's on repairs, does that that make us less of a member of a wonderful site? I for one don't think so. Some are struggling to make the bills so at this time donations are out of our reach. Does that make our membership less than others? Maybe. But as we learn and are able to we will help in ways we can.
Sorry all I guess i should have kept my ideas to myself but i had to say that.


Your opinions here on the forum carry just as much weight as everyone elses opinions. It's the sum of the members that makes the forum what it is.

If a person donates to the forum to help keep it afloat, that's very much appreciated but it is not mandatory in any way and your views here are counted just the same as someone that is a contributor.
Jump in when ever you can and offer any input on the various topics that you see fit to add to.:s
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