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posers/bikers fine line

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Your post is thoughtful, well-conceived, (certainly well-intended), and each point you make is absolutely valid.
I can't agree more that each one of us is entitled to their opinion, and has a right to express that opinion as long as they remain within the boundaries of good taste set by The Boss. (Glider)
So, we have a conundrum!
On the one hand, it is wrong for me, or anybody else, to say a thread is a "waste of time", if the O.P. was simply expressing their opinion.
But, that is a double-edged sword, isn't it, Tigg?
I, and everybody else, has an EQUAL right to express the opinion that any given thread is lame, has been previously beaten into the ground, and is, in my opinion, (or that of anyone else's), a "waste of time".
You can't say that one person has the right to express their opinion but another doesn't, or that invalidates your entire argument, which, by the way, I happen to agree with, when all is said and done!

Now, all that said, NO ONE, including yours truly, should ever make another on this forum feel stupid for expressing their opinion. That just makes such a person look small in my eyes, and yes, I am including again, yours truly.

So if I have done that, my opinion about this or any other thread notwithstanding, I am deeply regretful about that and offer my apologies with the utmost sincerity.

Now, on another point you made, about any possible "hierarchy" here other than The Mods. (Sounds like a band from the "British Invasion" era of the 60's, doesn't it?)

That's another good point, and I'd like to address it, because in my opinion, and think about this before you respond, YES, I think there IS a "hierarchy" among the members themselves. Is that a "bad" thing? As long as it doesn't result in the kind of abuses you mentioned, no, I don't think it is.

Here's why.

First, let's get the dynamics of this "hierarchy" defined.

The usual connotation of a hierarchy brings to mind a group, like our members, divided into sub-groups, with one particular sub-group held in higher regard or perhaps with more "POWER" of some kind than another sub-group.

Let's not pretend we live in a perfect world where everyone is equal.

In EVERY society, (and HDTimeline is certainly a society of it's own, with a government, leaders, laws, and many other components of a typical society.), there are groups that wield more influence than others within that society.

How and why does that happen, and is it "right"?

Well, again, that depends on how it's demonstrated.

NO ONE, even a Mod, is allowed to abuse another member here, at least not without repercussions, and I think Glider has shown us that time and time again. So, our society does indeed have expectations of fair treatment, and I think we get it, as long as we obey the laws set forth within this society.

But do some members have more influence than others?

Again, lets be real here!

OF COURSE, and that is as it SHOULD be!

Should a member who has only posted 4 times, and each of those posts only demanding help for a problem with his bike, and no return assistance or even engaging conversation with other members have the same influence as say, BigLew, who has hundreds of posts and has been happily involved in many, many scenarios where he was both seriously assisting someone in need of technical advise or at other times engaged in interesting and entertaining conversation? Likewise Steve, same points? I could bring up several more examples, but I'm sure you get my point.

The reality is we have some members who just come on, and without so much as introducing themselves, launch right into an "I need this, and I need that" conversation, without contributing ANYTHING, either financially or within the forum through advice or active conversation, and just think this is a free tech well, that they can dip into without ever giving back.

Then, there are the members who I just mentioned, and many more like them, who have contributed almost EVERY DAY in so many ways that, YES, they have a higher place in whatever "hierarchy" we have here, and rightfully so!

Just like the society we live in, where active participation in the community, either through financial contributions or volunteer help, (or sometimes both), raises your stature in the community, so does that same participation and contribution here!

That's the reality, and frankly, i wouldn't have it any other way.

Guys, your thoughts?

Just using the above post as an example and not to give or take away any validity of said post.

Richard for President.

Or Senator or Some Exalted Elected Position of High Prominence Somewhere in the Union Formed From These United States of America.

Sometimes when I can't sleep, I listen to promissory speeches given by candidates to - well, who cares what they promise, they lie! Or I can try to read some of your obfuscatory posts that start on a whisper of thought and dies an agonizing, excruciating and extremely slow death. The demise of truly insightful and considerate speeches is now a thing of the past. The way distant past.
We all like to think our opinion matters in the great scheme of things, but alas, tis not so. I think, therefor I am, I think I am, I think. Certain parts of the human anatomy are like opinions, everybody has one. Some are just quite a bit larger than others. Other people would simply sit down and all thought would be quashed. Because you think best on your feet, you are such that quick, decisive decisions, deciding the fate of poser/bikers, et al poses you no difficult decisions.

I applaud, and bemoan at the same moment, your ability to elucidate in such mind be-numbing manner, your thoughts. Granted, I will never be your equal in such endeavours, but I hope to never strive for the Eagles aerie.

You know I'm really messing with ya.:bigsmiley24:
I didn't want to read all those loooooonnnnnnggggg posts of yours to gather ammunition, so I kind of winged it.

Just skimmed through the above post. Sometimes you almost make sense.
Now, about that global cooling thing. Come on, man, get real. Historical data since the little ice age in the early to mid 1600's show that temps on average have been inching upward. It took several hundred years to happen. And combined with carbon saturating the atmosphere to greater and greater degrees, it appears it will continue. I haven't seen a large difference where I live, so, obviously you are quite mistaken. Whatever could have lead you to try and deceive us? So, what were you thinking?
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Whew, must have spend 20 minutes "skimming" thru the short posts on this thread...gotta go, my head hurts!

Poser or biker, if you stop riding your a poser, if your riding your a biker...
Good night! :bigsmiley32:
Poser or biker, if you stop riding your a poser, if your riding your a biker...
Good night! :bigsmiley32:

So, by your definition us riders in the north are posers in the winter and bikers in the summer?:small3d011:
Can we kill this post I admitted to being the poser you found the one on the fourm hang me get it over with :)

Won't happen Smitty this post has a life of it's own,unfortunately:( Wait your a mod couldn't you just:mgun:mgun:mgun???????????
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